Tuesday, November 29, 2016

From the Wilderness to Inheritance

Egypt also represents a place that we find substance, grain and full storehouses. We can find all that is needed to sustain us in Egypt during times of famine. Amos predicted a famine in the Land. This is not a famine of food or water, it is a spiritual famine and it is Now! It is a famine of ‘hearing’ (Shamah) Truth! 

We were not suppose to forsake Egypt (Africa) but to enter into the wilderness to receive enlightenment in the Principles of Divine Law that we may learn the contrast between bondage and freedom, from lawlessness and disorder to a people of Divine Order. It is in the wilderness that the Creator taught the people obedience. The first lesson was to teach the people to honor and obey instructions to carry on the Seventh-day Sabbath. Their first test was obedience and to trust in YAHVAH Raphah.

We learn lessons from all the experiences that we go through and that of which many of us are going through now. To attribute these experiences to a devil, demon and a satan, or a ruling Pharaohaic power diminishes the godly power and authority within us and the divinity of a Divine Creator! It is likened unto an extended stay in bondage with freedom at one’s fingertips! An extended stay only brings hardship of self induced bondage's and biases toward our Brother. Once the outer man has exhausted its resources, then it is time to move beyond the mindset of bondage through that dry place of purging in preparation to enter into the Promise Land! 
While dwelling in Egyptian bondage, many have thought it useless. Many have become acclimated to the hard heart and ‘ruling force’ of the unregenerate nature of Pharaoh. We should also remain cognizant that it is in Egypt that we find the substance required to sustain us. This is why throughout history, even Christ had to return to Egypt. It is here that we reunite with our Brothers and inner self, tapping into our faculties in order to allow the higher thoughts to process. It is in Egypt that we come to a spiritual awareness and NEED for the spiritual man to be manifested. This is to awake from the restrictions and bondage's, passing through the Red Sea into our inheritance of the Promise into a new land--our Canaan Land. 

Canaan means lowland. Canaan is the body consciousness. Canaan represents humbleness and receptivity and the unlimited forces of Being! This is where the flesh-man enters into and rediscovers that lost spiritual realm of unity and harmony buried within the Soul where the actual Promise is fulfilled. 

Canaan Land was inhabited by the descendants of Ham. Noah cursed Canaan saying, “A servant of servants he shall be to his brothers.” The Canaanites were given into the hands of the people and the name of the place was changed to Hormah. Harmah implies that through I AM we gain control of our Life Source and Purpose through the workings of Spirit. It is through Divine Law that Spirit transforms us into our Spiritual Inheritance of Christhood. 

Allow me to take a small detour to say that it has been a popular teaching throughout Western Christianity among Europeans, in order to maintain slavery, that ‘Hamites’ ( People of Color) were cursed. The Black Hebrew Nations of people were not cursed but were Chosen recipients of the Promise. It was the youngest son of Ham, Canaan, who Noah cursed. The curse had nothing to do with skin color. However, for years Mormons believed that the soul of the Hamite Nations (Blacks) were cursed and disallowed them membership in their organization. Now they do allow membership, however, they do not allow People of Color in positions of leadership. This is a common practice among many Western Christian churches today. These same traditions and falsehoods were forced upon the People of Promise in an attempt to free those African ‘heathens’, bringing them into Christianity, forsaking their way of Life. 

Westernized ‘Freed’ Blacks became segregated and began to set up their own churches with the same traditions of bondage and erroneous teaching traditions of Christianity becoming a basis of which many hold onto today. These falsehoods deeply rooted within Christianity keeps many in ignorance of their heritage and from receiving the Promise. 

It was under the influence of a beastly System that antichrist and racist concepts were intentionally introduced and Christianity forced upon the Chosen People in order to control them as slaves. However, those who enslaved soon became a byproduct of their own evil devices. As they forgot who they were, they began to believe and adhere to the falsehoods and erroneous teachings intended to control their subjects. Thereby, they too, became adherents in a false religious System of bondage.

 The Red Sea is a belief in Life. To cross the Red Sea represents coming into Life. Remaining in Egypt represents a separation from I AM that has taken up the abode within mans consciousness or the sensory or flesh man. Bondage suggests that life within the mind of man,  whereas part of the consciousness has been impregnated with falsehoods or a false substance exist. This consciousness must be overcome as ones soul crosses through the senses or the mortal concept is set aside and they are washed by the Waters of Life. This is in order to enter into a sanctified state, into dry land, to receive Manna and Waters of a New Life. 

Egypt also represents the Center of the World, the solar plexus of Life. The Solar Plexus is a complex core of radiating nerve fibers of the brain and nerve center that directs every System within the body. To the unregenerate mind, Egypt is darkness. Yet Egypt is the Mystery of Life where the experiences of flesh consciousness are transformed by the radiating firing of nerve fibers that are essential to the thought process for restoration of the mind back into the mind of Christ. This is where the spiritual man is awakened coming into an awareness that we have already been saved and that our bondage was an act of our own unregenerate thoughts and rebellion. 

This is what dictates the wilderness experience and how long one will reside in it. Our fleshly worldly mindset, rebellion, disobedience and rejection of ‘The Way’ or Divine Law that is designed to protect and direct us into freedom, is the prominent deciding factor. 

The Redeemed body and/or Christ Consciousness is to enter into the Promise Land! It is there that the Christ-man, which is our true ego and nature, is the only rightful heir to the Promise of Inheritance. Here we are groomed in Royal Order, Divine Law and Royal Protocol with spiritual thoughts to cross over Jordan to receive our inheritance of joint-heirs into the Kingdom as a Christ’.

The Jordan represents a stream of life flowing through the mind. It is in the mind where the adverse thoughts are removed and all presence of evil is cut off. This will allow god-consciousness to flow in the currents of Spirit to bring Light and one’s mind into harmony with Divine Mind. 

The Wilderness that the Children must pass through is their own ‘Wilderness of Sin’. The Wilderness of Sin represented missing the mark; falling short of the Promise of Inheritance in obedience to Divine Law. Divine Law is the Law of a Divine Creator! Divine Law is the very Principles of our Being. Divine Law is the underlying Principle of every human being and the universe. 

The Wilderness of Sin represents a material, combative and destructive thought process. Sin or error is departure from the Law of our being. It is a restrictive and clouded thought process out of harmony with Spirit and disjointed from Divine Mind. To believe that G-D is Creator of disorder, lawlessness and disease is the unpardonable sin. Mans sins cease to exist when one opens their mind to receive that we are heirs to only that of which is good. 

Many of us do not want to go through that drying out retraining process denoted by the wilderness experiences. The Wilderness experience represents individual consciousness and a multitude of undisciplined and uncultivated thoughts. This is why we must all go through those wilderness experiences, which will bring us to true redemption. It is in this place that Spirit can open our spirit by pouring in, replacing that dry thirsty spirit with those Living Waters of Life. Once Spirit pours within our spirit/soul, we become one with the Divine Presence receiving the blessings and Gifts of the Spirit. This is to get our attention and to draw us into a place where the  Spirit showers us with blessings once we learn to become obedient. We can then receive ability and capacity to ‘speak to the Rock’ that will gush forth those Living Waters into our dry soul. 

Divine Spirit then withdraws that we may begin to seek that refreshing. Unless we are showered with blessings, the Spirit cannot begin the work because we are dry and barren. We have not learned that our survival and very substance is contingent upon our obedience as we rely upon the Manna from heaven. We then can stand and wait on the Promise or we bring a Hagar into the equation because we’re tired of waiting for our time to come! 

We continue to thirst for the quenching of becoming impregnated and giving birth. Unfortunately many of us receive the blessings meant to quench that first thirst thinking that is all that there is. Some stay in the desert place becoming so dry that they are unable to become pregnant, getting jealous because they have created a situation where their longing becomes intolerable as they watch others give birth and grow right before their eyes. Finally, they become pregnant when they have given up their own will and ego to allow Spirit to bring to pass what was spoken. They give birth, but soon forget what it was like to be barren and basking in the memories of that first initial blessing from the presence of Spirit. 

Many do like Sara and Abram, we are still in the flesh and there has been no transformation. We attempt to rush the Promise and the process saying, “Maybe it is that I will be blessed through another”. We then move in that thought to fulfill the desires of our senses. As our thought becomes fleshly, it dominates the god-thought, introducing something else in the mix, where we end up producing Ishmael.

We then reject and cast out the Firstborn that we have created to die thinking that we have rid ourselves of the situations we now face. We want to throw him out of our sight and mind never to have to deal with him again. However, it is then that we come face to face with having to deal with our Brother returning to Egypt and our wandering in the Wilderness. The question is do you continue to treat your Brother treacherously or unjustly and unfairly? Know that the Creator of all of mankind will not tolerate ill treatment of those of who has been blessed and are heirs to the Promise. YHVH has harkened to the cries of the people of Promise. 

We must change our thought process! Our thoughts become words and words become things. Therefore we invoke Divine Law, although we know Spirit is working within and on our behalf, we bring into materialization Ishmael because we get tired of wanting. We get tired of waiting for Spirit to work out that within us which would prepare us to receive and produce the results of the Promise. We sell ourselves short. Yet, Spirit, still working the Will of the Father within us honors our requests. This is because Spirit is Law and Divine Spirit grants our requests as we call those things that are not as though they are. We must recognize that it is Divine Law at work. Divine Law is Spirit working within as we feed our mind and spirit with thoughts. Divine Law does not discriminate and will bring to manifestation into the earthly realm whatever we feed into our minds. 

Therefore, many of us create our own headaches. Divine Law necessitates that every action has a reaction and that ‘whatsoever a man sows that shall he reap’. Therefore, we have now created an Ishmael that we must deal with. However, now that we have birthed Ishmael, the Creator must honor that Firstborn that we have produced. How many of you know that, you just cannot get rid of Ishmael? You cannot just throw a few crumbs and a flask of water his way and expect that you have acted honorably. 

Ishmael received the Promise of Firstborn and just as the Creator honors the Promise of Inheritance, he also honors the Covenant of the ‘First’. Firstborns are always in line for a double inheritance. Therefore, we must deal with Ishmael as a Firstborn and do the right thing. No sense in getting jealous because you may reside in that Babe, fleshly stage and Ishmael pokes fun at the child you bore in your old age. We should be mature walking in acceptance of the Promise. We must make restitution for the ill treatment of the Hagar’s and Ishmael’s--and will now or later. It is better to raise Ishmael up as part of the household accepting that we created the situation by giving way to our fleshly nature and that it was because of one’s own self-will that Ishmael was conceived. 

When he was at the age of accountability, Ishmael was circumcised at the same time as all other males in Abraham's house becoming a part of the Covenant. Until we come to the realization that the Nations of Israel is our Brother; until we come to the realization that the Nation of Islam is our Brother and that we are all Nations of Promise, through Father Abraham having been circumcised through the foreskins of our hearts, there will always be contention and wilderness experiences for us all. But when we turn our hearts and minds from the beastly world Systems to the Covenant of Inheritance and the Covenant of Promise there will be peace and unity.

Catch the vision.
Hotep Light One Love!   
 Apostle Rubie James
REVELATION TODAY for the Nations  

Thank you

https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/220014Download with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support 101Things I AM FREE! 101 THINGS I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. (click on photo or above link)

Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym JEWELS PROPHET.  Review and purchase her books in paperback at Amazon (click on Jewels Prophet) or the following links:

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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Light Has Come!

Those who are not talking, peddling or predicting a fairytale apocalypse such as rapture or the world coming to an end are walking in spiritual and esoteric Principles of the Kingdom and ‘judgments’.  These judgments are not the negative concepts emphasized in religion but are divine judgments that will refine and purify to bring humans into the Shift of reality and truth that proclaims Restoration. 

I did not say  those flaunting a muse of prophetic prose that they themselves do not understand. I am talking reality.   All of creation is groaning waiting the manifestation of the Sons. One is either going to walk in these revelatory esoteric Kingdom Principles into ZION or they will ‘fall’ within the rudimentary basics with the masses. 

The word ‘fall’ used in this instance is ‘kashal’ and means to totter and waiver; to stumble and faint, lacking endurance becoming feeble. Therefore, those walking outside of Sonship and Christhood are they who totter and waiver in Truths becoming weak that they are not only tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine but fall into the half Truths and or falsehoods that render them incapable of receiving revelatory spiritual Truth.  These truths will unite one’s Spirit/Soul with Divine Spirit. Those who waiver and are undecisive are they who have not accepted and/or reject their divine Inheritance. Therefore, they reject the Revelation of the Mysteries of the Kingdom, unable to identify truth that pertains to them. They are falling short of their Life-Purpose. They become a part of the masses who encamp around the ‘Temple Mount’--the Holy of Holies or ZION

Everyone wants to be right and predict that we are in the time of the end. Many are continuing to regurgitate the psycho babble of the falsehoods of a rapture, a far-away heaven and/or a hell, or apocalypse of the end of the world. They, therefore, exclude the true meaning of the “judgments” that are coming upon each of us. We all will be judged by our own words. Think about what you’ve been saying. Think about what you’ve been releasing to others. Know not that every word you spoke and released will have a direct affect upon you and your house? 

Many of you were promoting and/or panicking over December 21, 2012, when the Mayan calendar cycles ‘ended’. While I am not discounting any natural phenomenons or fulfillment of certain spiritual prophecies, I do not know how to impress upon many of you that it’s a spiritual thing! It’s all relative, connected and spiritual! Know that the prophetic is a higher truth that dictates and predicates the natural or scientific or metaphysical occurrences upon this earth! Human thoughts has everything to do with initiating laws that determines human destiny and reality. Therefore, there  exist the probability of an Armageddon for humans. However, the earth, Gaia will preserve Herself and correct the deficiencies upon her.

The Mayans used two calendars; Haab' has 365 days and Tzolk'in has 260. Even with that, time beginning at creation is calculated with the Hebrew calendar, which also has two calendars: the Sacred Calendar and the Civil Calendar. Those who study numerology ascribed more importance to 31March2013 than 21December2012. Those who avail themselves, who are privy to physics, and scientific knowledge; spiritual events and foreknowing, will receive revelatory principles, ideas, concepts and perhaps dates of occurrences of events. However, NO ONE, I believe, will be given the day or time of an ‘end of the world or an apocalypse. Frankly, I do not believe that there will be an end to this world.  Only, perhaps in the sense we know it as it is now. This is because we humans have free will and choice to utilize the creative power within that can and will change our destiny.

The heavens and earth will be made qualitatively new to house the New Man who will proclaim or channel truth from ZION or the New Jerusalem.

Without a doubt there will be natural events that we consider crisis that will occur. We have been speaking disasters, predicting the world coming to an end while all the time we contribute to such calamities by speaking them into existence. What we think becomes words. Words become manifested into things! Many have come against this basic Divine Principle, however, sooner or later we will all face the fact that Divine Law does exist and that our life is controlled by laws that many have rejected, feigning that we are no longer under the Law but under Grace. 

You all better get this…This is why the Prophets and Apostles were specifically chosen to build up the Body until all come into UNITY in the Faith. It has been given to them, the Enlightened Ones whether they call themselves Prophets and Apostles or whatever they want to call themselves; it is the Enlightened ones who carries the Light who have received the Mysteries of the Kingdom and Christhood. This is so they can release  Light, Truth and the Way  to other in order to draw them into maturity as Sons, not the mumbo-jumbo that many are releasing today. 

This is also why you false Prophets, baby Prophets, false Apostles, baby Apostles had better step up or step out! Those of you who think you know, you had best start listening to the words Spirit is giving and revealing to you and apply it to your life to grow firm and strong as not to fall. 

Most often, what the majority of you have received is not meant for someone else…Believe me, it is for YOU! It is for you to grasp and adhere to so that Spirit may lay a foundation to teach you truth that you will make the spiritual Shift. These Truths will move one forward pass the elementary basics of Christ (and a Jesus only mindset). It will restore one and  to bring you into  your reality.

The Light has come!  Within this light lies considerable judgments. The judgments are the fire of burning to awaken and enlightened.  It is only after one's awakening  that they can receive light.

The Word judgment is the Hebrew word ‘mishpat’ (4941) and comes from the root word ‘shaphat’ which we are familiar with means to pronounce a sentence; to vindicate or punish. Mishpat is a Divine Judgment to pronounce favorable or unfavorably a formal decree of Divine Law either individually or collectively. To judge is to render a verdict. The verdict has already been rendered! 

It is the Enlightened Ones,   the awakened one who walk in the Light who are justified and qualified to proclaim these judgments from Zion! 

We need to wrap our heads around this! I do not care if you have a problem with the Apostolic Order. This Order was set in place and is protected by Divine Law just as the ‘Ten Words’ that many of you reject. It is not your job to attempt to correct, neither is it your job to attempt to outdo someone within these Offices. These Offices must be respected no matter who carries the titles. 

Judgment has come to those false Apostles and Prophets and they will fall! These are they whose hearts have been set against the Holy Covenant. They will fall! They will be granted a little help in their hypocrisy in order to refine purge and make pure the Sons and the Way into the Shift of Restoration until the indignation (abomination in the holy place of the mind) is finished. I want you to know that there is a Higher System that even you are culpable to and you all need to catch the vision of it.

No matter what you may say or do judgment has come to each and every one of us! Light is shining in darkness and chaos.  One merely have to change their thinking process and be restored in mind, heart, spirit and soul.

“Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever”.   Those words given to Daniel the Prophet who was commanded to “conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time” has come! Judgment has come!  The Light has come!

Hotep Light One Love
Apostle Rubie James

https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/220014Download with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support 101Things I AM FREE! 101 THINGS I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. (click on photo or above link)

Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym JEWELS PROPHET.  Review and purchase her books in paperback at Amazon (click on Jewels Prophet) or the following links:

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Thursday, November 24, 2016

Enjoy The Ride

You know those days when you just want to laze about, not doing any work, not exercising just thinking, sleeping, trying to make some sense out of the partial dreams you had?

As I was contemplating over my life and the occurrence of situations since being in  Ghana, it is inevitable to me that YAH G-D is setting me up! Yes, setting me up for success.

Most often the Spirit does not reveal all to us, only bits and pieces of the overall plan for our lives.  This is done because if the Spirit was to reveal all, our human nature would attempt to help Her out. However, believe that She is working all things out for our good even when it seems that She is not moving at all.

So sit back, listen,  obey, do what has been put into your hands to do and enjoy the ride.

 Hotep, Light & Love
Apostle Rubie James

https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/220014Download with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support 101Things I AM FREE! 101 THINGS I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. (click on photo or above link)

Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym JEWELS PROPHET.  Review and purchase her books in paperback at Amazon (click on Jewels Prophet) or the following links:

Paperback now available at


paperback book available in Ghana 
233 Country Code 
050 314 4527
0243 283 616


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Twelve Foundation Stones

“You also as living stones are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood”…You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood…a holy nation a priesthood forever after the Order of Melchizedek.” (1Pe 2:4 Heb 5/6)

The twelve Foundation Stones were encased on the breastplate of the High Priest.  These twelve Stones are representative of the twelve Tribes of Israel; the Heads of the Hebrew Nations of Chosen People.

These twelve stones represent the fundamental Ideas of G-D for the rule of the Kingdom of G-D. 

Each Stone depicts and corresponds to a prevailing thought and characteristic of righteousness in YAH’s Order in laying the Foundations of Zion and lies within the facilities of the mind of man.  These thoughts and divine characteristics aid in the restoration of man to their rightful place in the order of creation.

Also encased on the breastplate, on the shoulders of the High Priest, were Uram and Thumman.  Just as the prophets and apostles represents the oracle or voice of G-D, so also was the High Priest or Christ the instrument used to relay the heart of G-D to the people.  The High Priest represents the Cap Stone or Corner Stone to build up the Foundations of a ‘body’ or Nation of Christ’s—“So that you too may be living stones making a spiritual house as a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to G-D”. “As the Scriptures says, ‘I AM laying a stone in ZION, a Chosen, Precious Conerstone” for believers to be built upon the Christ Principles of the Foundation Stones.  However, the rejection of these Foundation Stones who form the foundations upon the Cornerstone has become a stumbling block for many.  They stumble because they do not believe or obey the Word; they do not walk in the Christ Principles and the Mysteries of entering into the Kingdom eludes them.  Therefore, they walk in darkness of Light.  The Christ Principles are the light that illumes the pathway to ZION. YAHshua (Jesus) the Christ was the representation of God’s idea of the perfect man in expression.  The Christ was the absolute idea of G-D perfected in man.

When we become established in the Christ Principles, our mind is renewed; we therefore, become a precious stone sparkling in the hands of G-D having been grounded in Christ Consciousness in grace, mercy and truth. We can enter into the New Jerusalem or are restored to our birthplace of Zion.  This is when we have come to the realization of the Divine within us in that heavenly place of the mind.  We know what is lawful for us and are set free from all error or man’s perceptions of how we should live our life. 

The New Man will enter the New Jerusalem.  Only those born in ZION can become those Foundation Stones. Provisions were made for us all to sparkle as stones with the effulgence of G-D. However, YAH has a “fixed” Order and a Divine Hierarchy that was laid out in the Book of Timothy for those in Christiandome.  Do not be fooled to think that there are not other Enlightened Ones or prophets who are not Christians. Even the Christman said “Before Abraham was I AM”. Regardless of what many may think YAHshua, the Christman of whom Christians call Jesus was not a Christian. He was a Hebrew from the tribe of Judah.

The Foundation Stones are in and dwell in ZION.   They are the Gates or the gateway into ZION and continually minister before G-D.  The Law; G-D’s Word is proclaimed from ZION! The Psalmist said, “The Lord loves these Gates of ZION more than all the others…glorious things are spoken of you…I shall mention Rahab and Babylon among those who know me; Philista and Tyre with Ethiopia, this one was born there, but of ZION it shall be said this one and that one was born in Her”.

Earlier I stated that each of the 12 Foundation Stones represented a prevailing characteristic of righteousness that represents the fundamental Ideas of the Divine Mind of G-D to build up ZION.  If one have not been cultivated or planted on these Ideas or Principles they cannot enter beyond the veil into the presence of YAH or see G-D face to Face. This is not to say that they are not heavenly citizens. 

In the days of old, only the High Priest could enter the Holy of Holies. This was an exemplary and prophetic inference to the Christman, the “Firstborn among many”.

Only the firstborns, without spot and wrinkles or those enlightened ones or the prophets and apostles who has become Teleios (mature and perfected) will come face to Face with G-D.  These pillars of truth represented in the Most Holy Place are the firstborn inheritors to the priesthood.  They are the oracles of YAH who through their teachings bring others who have not yet reached maturity or whose call is in other areas of ministry into the presence of G-D.  These enlightened ones have received a double portion as their inheritance along with double culpability and a double anointing in their own order, at their level of administration.  Therefore, the saying; “Many are the called few have been chosen”.  For example, we are all citizens of the heavenly village but we are not all chiefs.

The Psalmist says, “G-D has spoken and summoned the earth to judge His people out of ZION the perfection of beauty…gather My faithful who sealed My Covenant by sacrifice. The sacrifices to G-D are a broken spirit, a broken contrite heart.  In your graciousness do good to ZION-rebuild.  Then you will delight in upright sacrifices.” (50, 51)  In other words, be restored and renewed in your mind then your sacrifices will be received and your prayers answered.  “Believe in Yahweh, your G-D and you will be secure.  Believe in His prophets and you will have success. (Chr 20:20)

The names of the 12-tribes were encased in jewels on the breastplate of the High Priest.  The blessings conferred upon the heads of each Nation and their names hold the characteristics and Divine Ideas that made them the Foundation of ZION.
Apostle Rubie James

https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/220014Download with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support 101Things I AM FREE! 101 THINGS I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. (click on photo or above link)

Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym JEWELS PROPHET.  Review and purchase her books in paperback and e-Book at Amazon (click on Jewels Prophet) or Amazon: 

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