Monday, October 11, 2021

Vaccine Mandates Slammed - What Happened To Free Choice?

Photo by Edwin Hooper

"A virus is  not the cause of a pandemic but the instilling and  spreading of fear is".
As a Channel, Healer Intuitive and one prophetic voice in disseminating the Divine Universal Message of Restoration; I look upon the faces of many and see the reactions of those so fearful that they literally recoil from another human being who is not wearing a mask.

The minds of the masses has slowly been infused and inundated with fear through those channels controlled by  darkness of the Elite. These channels along with the, Agenda, that brainwashes to control the minds of the masses is an age old concept of dark energy that has been used for centuries.

Churches has been shut down, Pastors and spiritual leaders seems to have lost their faith in their God   as they adhere to the 3-D linear controls of darkness. They have given their power away to a beastly unjust System that have separated them from their congregants.

Children are walking the streets on their way to school breathing their own carbon dioxide, even while walking in the open air alone.  Drivers are seen  while driving down the road alone wearing masks. Landlords insist and police tenants, insisting they wear masks and adhere to social distancing. Medical personnel refuse to keep long standing appointments for home visits. Forced to wear masks, demanding one be worn by you while in your own home.  

I am just saying:  WHEN WILL IT STOP? When will humanity wake up to the diabolical antics  of a Dark System that they give their power to? What is the world coming to?  I should ask, what are humans doing to protect their inalienable  and inherent rights to live a life of freedom without being coerced  and mandated to give up those civil rights? 

I remember a few decades ago when there was a successful movement to remove prayer from the schools. Christians  stood idly by allowing prayer to be illegal in assemblies, class settings and school premises. However, now the majority seems to feel that the problems being faced within the school systems of today; shooting, bullying and other acts of violence are a result of prayer being taken out of the schools, albeit, their objections and power to stop that right was far too late.

Therefore, my question now would be to ask: Will you wait until your rights have been taken away completely before you realize that the mental, biological and spiritual implications and consequences of mandated vaccines; wearing masks, that restricts one's breathing, not to mention breathing in one's own carbon dioxide: what results  will these have on your future health? 

It seems humanity is giving in to tyrannical forces  that promotes Social Dissonance. The reality of the constitutions of religion is "Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together".  

Humanity must start using common sense. I am not saying that there is not a "virus" stemming from scientific experimentation with SARS/Flue versus or that one should or should not take a vaccine.  I am saying that one should be able to utilize one's own god-given  free choice to do so or not.

The mind, consciousness, has always been the greatest power humanity has! One's consciousness dictates and manifest in their lives that of which they think.

Humanity must take their god-given power back!

The Spirit has proclaimed:
"Think It! Will It! Speak It! Confirm It! Expect It! Become It!"

Synchronicity is the key to manifesting whatever one desires.  However, one must rid themselves of all those thoughts and concepts that do not serve them. Fear produces fear...

Humans are more powerful than we think. The greatest weapon used against humanity other than misinformation and  miscommunication is pride/ego that leads one to believe that they are  better than another or that they are worthless and void of light.  However, within each individual is the power to cultivate light, love and compassion and renew their thought process.  

My mother, Alberta James, use to say, "If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything". Many have fallen into despair, emotional deprivation, depression, loss of self esteem and  self worth, some even the will to live merely because they have allowed others to think for them and to insinuate  that they cannot do something or that they have to do what others says they must do or you must do it a certain way.

Humanity must take their power back if we are to survive.  Citizens in the US and around the World must take control of their own lives; what is right for their own uniqueness.

When light shines,  darkness disappears. When you starve an organism, it will die. When you think and release positively, you will get positive results. "For whatever a (wo)man thinks within their heart, so is (s)he". Catch that vision!

Hotep Light One Love

El Ahora El Bey with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support affirmations of 101Things I AM FREE! 101 THINGS I AM (click on photo or above link) Please e-mail  for other options. Thank you.

El Ahora, formerly Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym   JEWELS PROPHET.  Review   and  purchase  her      e-Books and paperback at Amazon (click on Jewels Prophet) or the following links:


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