Thursday, June 11, 2020

The Good Slave Ship Jesus

Jesus was the name of the slave ship Captained by Sir John Hawkins in 1564 by the Queen of England 

It is really a matter of plain spiritual common sense and simply knowing true history; the violent beginnings of European and Western Christianity;  the time line of certain events as it relates to the slave trade and the Canonization of the European bible.

I will always put myself out there just as those before me did if it will help others come into the reality and truth. This is not an extensive writing on the man many call Jesus but how the name Jesus became associated with as a savior.

Our people perish for lack of knowledge!

So, someone responded to the following comment: “It is past time for our people to awake”.   Their response was,  “yes people need to awake, in Jesus name”.  What? Really?

My unashamed bold 'sorry if your feelings get hurt' response from being tired of our people calling on their enslavers god to save them is just beginning to rub me the wrong way. 

All one have to do is know etymology, perhaps even a little geography, contemplate, do a little research, open their mind to receiving a higher truth past they they know and it becomes  so evident that this Jesus of whom they call Savior of the world was a figment of ones' imagination.  Now, if one says Christ, that is a whole different subject.

“That is one of the things we must wake up to and we will be better able to discern and get to the root of the problem. Why raciest are and act as they do.

Our people need to be awaked. G-D has already made a way and is trying to show us the way, mysteriously so.

Please 'hear' what I Am saying... we need to awake to the fact that Jesus is a concept forced upon us for control after they took away  African Spirituality or the Way of the Ancients.

What does one actually invoke when they say in Jesus name?

This is how we lost our way as we were colonized and thrust into slavery forgetting who we were as they controlled us with  their religion and their savior Jesus.

We don’t know our history. We don’t know who we are.  They don’t know why they hate and fear us.

We live as they have molded us. That is why we can’t unite and stand up for ourselves and why we were thrust into bondage for 400 years...we left the Way of our Ancestors, the Ancients of Days; from the True G-D; from the Way Truth and Light to a counterfeit.

Our Ancestors, many of who were tricked and coerced into slavery waited for that first slave ship named Jesus to return and take them back home. And we have been waiting every since for a Jesus (ship) that will never come.

We got sidetracked, bamboozled, hoodwinked. Now is the time for us to awake and recognize who we are.  It is we who will save us. There ain’t no Jesus who is gonna do it otherwise it would have been done already and none of this would have ever happened.   That is the truth of the matter beloved.”

When Will We Get It?  I have written about these truths as I  have learned and was shown by the Ancestors  under the  tutelage  of Prime Creator G-D.  Yes, I said the Ancestors.  Why?  Because G-D has already don't it!  "It is already done"  and again "It is finished". The Ancestors and a host of powerful spiritual beings are standing by in attendance to aid humanity.  All we need do is acknowledge and submit to a higher consciousness. Therefore, it is up to every human being to tap into Innate or the spirit within that would take them Beyond the Veil into direct communion with G-D and the Whole.

The bible, as we know it, is merely a historical book of metaphorical stories, allegories, fabricated histories and plagiarized words of wisdom to govern and control society.  The bible as we know it, was compiled in order to bring the unlearned of a dark era into a One World Order.

Jesus of Lubeck, has come to be referred to as “The Good Ship Jesus”. Jesus of Lubeck was a 700-ton ship purchased by King Henry VIII from the Hanseatic League.  It was commissioned as a merchant alliance between the cities of Hamburg and Lubeck in Germany. Twenty years after its purchase the ship was lent to Sir John Hawkins by Queen Elizabeth.

The Good Ship Jesus  was a carrack built in the  in the early 16th century. Around 1540 the ship, which had mostly been used for representative purposes, was acquired by the King of England, Henry VIII.The ship was active during the French invasion of the Isle of Wight in 1545.  Jesus  became involved in the Atlantic slave trade under John Hawkins, who organized four voyages to West Africa and the West Indies between 1562 and 1568. 

Note that there was no letter “J” in the alphabet until the late 14th century. Both I and J were used interchangeably by scribes to express the sound of both the vowel and the consonant. It wasn't until 1524 that the Hebrew name "Yeshua" was transliterated into English, however, it was first transliterated into Greek. the letter "J" is relatively new — perhaps 400–500 years old

Why is the letter "J" so important and how does it relate to Christianity and slavery?

The Gutenberg Bible was among the earliest major books printed using mass-produced  in Europe. It marked the start of the "Gutenberg Revolution" and the age of printed books in the West. It is an edition of the Latin Vulgate printed in the 1450s.

The King James Version (KJV), also known as the Authorized Version , is an English translation of the Christian Bible for the Church of England was commissioned in 1604 and published and completed  in 1611 under the sponsorship of James VI and I.

The first  Africans to reach the British colonies arrived in Point Comfort, Virginia, near Jamestown, in 1619, brought by British privateers who had seized them from a captured Portuguese slave ship. Slaves were usually baptized in Africa before embarking.

The first Africans enslaved within the continental United States arrived via Santo Domingo  in the Winyah Bay area of present-day South Carolina. How ironic that would be part of the promised 40 acres.

Like most holy books, the Bible can be used to support particular viewpoints, and slavery was no exception. There are numerous references to slavery in the Bible which can be interpreted to condemn or condone this practice, and even those verses which appear unambiguous, are far from clear when scrutinized.

For instance, Torah denounced slavery and actually condemn enslavement. On the other hand, Paul's  epistles to the Judaeo Christian gatherers  was either changed or written in a way that failed to condemn slavery, only arguing that slaves must be treated fairly as 'brethren'.  It is important to know that Paul was  Hebrew and a member of the highest sect   of strict , adherence to Torah, a Pharisee.  Paul was one of the most misunderstood apostles.  His letters were not meant for the masses but those he had trained in leadership, such as Timothy.

Historical records show that  both Islam and Christianity played an important role in the enslavement of Africa. The Arab-controlled Trans-Saharan slave trade helped to institutionalize slave trading on the continent.  European Christians had caravans loaded with Africans en-route to the Middle East, arriving much later in West Africa observed slavery within African tribes, leading them to assume that  enslavement of Africans  was a natural way of life.

For many of these European explorers, their Bible was not only regarded as infallible, it was also their primary reference to explain the differences in ethnicity, culture, and slavery.  Well they surly found what they were seeking in Genesis 9 of which they misinterpreted that Ham, the son of Noah was cursed along with all of his descendants and that it was all a result of 'sin'.

In time, the connection Europeans made between sin, slavery, skin colour and  their own beliefs that darkness is associated with evil, condemn Africans to a life of slavery to this day!

Africans are considered 'heathens' unworthy of Christianity, although Christianity evolved from African Spiritually. Africans had true Spirituality they did not need European or Western Christianity.  North Africa was among the first in the world to maintain ancient Ancestral spirituality that eventually spread throughout Africa. Because the colonizers and enslavers saw Africans as heathens, they went about forcing them into submission with their religious beliefs of Christianity. Europeans refused to acknowledge African Spirituality. as it appeared irreconcilable with the continent's cultural surroundings.

Therefore, Europeans went about justifying their need for free labor with the emergence of colonies in the Americas their attentions focused on Africa, within their depraved minds, the Transatlantic Slave Trade would enable Africans, especially the followers of Muhammad, to come into contact with Christianity and 'civilization'.  Now, catch that vision and compare it to how the US treat Muslims even today!

Religion was the driving force for slavery in the Americas.  The assertion of evangelization was their justification for enslaving Africans. It also gave them  ideas on how  to justify the cruel mistreatment of the African. Their agenda was laid out in The Christian Mission In Africa.  Yet, they came to the New World because of religious persecution and as "Protesters" or Protestants of the Old Roman Christian Church.

What Is The Bible
Would The True Chosen Ones Please Stand Up

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