Monday, June 17, 2019

Why Africa Will Not Be Independent - Putin

"Russian President Vladimir Putin hits Africa Again!" 

"Russian President Vladimir Putin Challenges Africa With The Bitter Truth"

"Africa is just a cemetery for Africans. How could a cemetery be developed?”

These are merely some of the various titles attributed to what Mr Putin allegedly had to say about Africa.

Every once in a while Sites zero in on a political figure for one reason or another.  Some even redirect titles.  It seems everyone is attempting to capitalize on anything to do with Africa.  Whether claims of prophecy or whatever ones agenda is, I believe this is an attempt to wake Africans up from their slumber of darkness.  I also believe that in order for those who capatilize on articles about Africa, to contest, disagree, validate or add some type of spiritual significance is that they must have had extended experiences in Africa, unless you are a world leader speaking from experience.

While it is true that the majority of Africans have no clue as to what the international community thinks of them; many more don't care and most have their hands out for handouts in the richest Continent in the world!  This have made the African and the African Continent an object of derision and a target for actually anyone wanting to prove a point,

Now, whether Mr. Putin has said any of these things or not, it is a sad reality.  I, just like everyone else uses these truths to perhaps open the eyes of my brothers and sisters who live in darkness of ignorance, poverty and dispair. After all, truth is truth no matter where it comes from.  

Sometimes, in order to recognize truth, one must detach themselves or hear it from an "outsider".  This is the case with Africa!  While the average African thinks they know, however, they have no concept of anything outside the confines of their social standards of lack and greed, thinking that that is the way of it.  Well, IT IS NOT THE WAY OF IT! 

I personally, spiritually and morally will be glad when Africans/Ghanaians began to reassess their values or should I say lack of values and morals to come into reality of why they are the richest poorest Continent in the world and live below their means, doing without the basic necessities of life.

Mr. Putin has not been the only one who allegedly  tell truths in regards to Africa's self demise.  Frankly, I like the man.  What many do not know is that Russia has come to the aid of Africa.   They just don't strong arm  and 'high-side', use and abuse like the US, China and other countries who take advantage of Africa for their interests only.

An article I ran across while writing this one, from CNBS is: Vladimir Putin muscles into Africa and that is bad news for US interest. All I've got to say about that is that it might not be such a bad idea.

Here's another perspective on that:

So, here it is, why:

"Africa will never be independent, Africans believe in Europeans, Americans, and Chinese more than themselves. They don't trust themselves at all, African technocrats/Engineers aren't given the platform to practice what they studied instead they hire Chinese to construct roads for themselves.

A white man will commit a crime in Africa but no action will be taken because the African authorities view us as Demigods, far from the truth. A black man can be abducted in Europe get harassed and even be killed but no African authority can even question. Africans present themselves as weak people with no hope, especially when dealing with Europeans and Americans.

They are their own enemies. They hate each other and this gives their colonial masters the opportunity to continue exploring their resources. As far as I know, Africa is more of God's chosen continent, its a blessed continent and its time for Africans to Realise they are in a place where Americans, Europeans and Chinese are jealous of and wish it should be them there...You can't compare African weather with any other weather...African soil can feed the whole of Europe, America, and Asia but their problem is just one, "THEIR LEADERS". As far as I am concern their best president ever was Gaddafi" ~ Pres. Vladimir Putin

Read more at Inspirational

"To me, it is left to the Africans to forget the emotion and try to understand the challenges attracting all these insults (though it's not actually an insult but a reality). Keep shame and unnecessary pride aside, analyze the situation and think of what to do.

Please do share these articles to others; not to make fun, mockery or entertainment, but to create further awareness within our society.

Let the end-time of God not meet us in this state of inferiority and less significance on our own God-given continent. I am an African, I love Africa, but I Wish Africa would Change." ~ Author unknown

I am an African of Diaspora and I love my African brothers and sisters. I love our Motherland that is why I reside in Ghana. Whether, Ghanaians receive those of Diaspora or not, we are faithful to our mandate of the prophetic fulfillment of the End of 400 years of Bondage. ~ El Ahora

Hotep Light One Love
Priestess El Ahora Yah Asantewaa, aka
Apostle Rubie James

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