Thursday, June 20, 2019

Land and Housing Skyrocket for Diasporas – Year Of Return

Most available land is completely undeveloped and needs clearing, roads, electricity, water and sewer systems.  To my understanding, the Chiefs in their districts are the custodians of the land within their "Stool" (domain).  Family also owns land and most often cannot come to a consensus as to sell or are sometimes left out of the 'deal'.  Therefore, disputes  arise whereas the buyer must pay again for the property or the land was taken away from them, leaving no recourse for retribution.

Land prices and housing costs have skyrocketed in Ghana as Ghanaians Gear Up for the Year of Return 2019.  It is no secret that Ghana is expecting Diasporas to invest in their failed economy as tourist and otherwise for the Year of Return 2019 and beyond.

It is truly pathetic that the Repatriates have been experiencing the backlashes of price gouging as Diasporas around the world has been target by Ghana’s Department of Tourism to spurt and build their economy, along with land and rental property owners who expect dollar equivalents for self contained units and vacation properties. 

Many  Diasporas already living in Ghana, having experienced the best and worst of Ghana; what they call  culture or their way of life and government entities first-hand.  Know that it is those influential’s and 'well to do' Diasporas who  has been targeted to be bedazzled by the current exchange rate, into investing at  not only higher  and inflated costs but  taxes and fees of which Ghanaians do not pay.

There has not been, that I see and know of, any incentives given or offered to those investors of Diaspora or otherwise.   Recently, the President of Ghana offered Visa waivers to Jamaicans, specifically for the Year of Return.  However, the Original Diaspora has not been specifically targeted for any type of reprieve or waivers only expected increases in financially enhancing  and bringing tourism and  financial investments into Ghana
We will just have to play the waiting game, as many Repatriates has been waiting for the words of Ghanaian Government Officials to come to pass or any action that meet with all the grand words of welcoming the returning Descendants of those African Ancestors; those who were stolen and sold away from our Motherland, to receive benefits due to them as inheritors.  Know that Africans are not innocent as they too had their hands in the selling of  our Ancestors and benefited financially from the role they played in the slave trade themselves.  Africa will soon have to come to terms with that!

Ghanaians either reject those of Diaspora or sit back and watch as some, assist an unjust System in the downfall and the destruction of Diasporas using lawful means, unlawfully to dissuade us and take from us. Even the court System is tainted and biased towards those of Diasporas. We have already been misjudged by raciest propaganda from the West. African family members pull on every ounce of nepotism and influence within their power, sticking together right or wrong against a Diaspora.  However, when it comes to "doing the right thing", they see the Diaspora as an intruder; an Obroni who do not belong; one who can easily replace what has been stolen from them; one who has lived a privileged life in the US or the country they were born.  

Diasporas are continual targets of thefts, scams and cons.  Business owners are criticized for paying the same wages or perhaps higher wages than those of some of the same lucrative foreign US, European and other countries who operate tax free without investing any see-able improvements in the infrastructure, and/or; build up communities. It goes without being said that Diasporas offer valuable training to their employees, some are sent to special courses. Africans seem to feel that unless we sink our money into the endlessly empty deep pockets educating their children; building up their schools and communities that we still have not done enough.  

Many  are wooed into pay a horrific price to be accepted in what Africans see as ancestral families.

Diasporas are charged a higher rental costs;  at dollar equivalent rents and lands.  In the real estate industry, more than 90 per cent of the companies price their houses in the US dollar over the Cedi.

This is in spite of the fact that they use local materials in the construction of the houses they put up for sale. Those who even import fittings do so from China and the medium of exchange there is the Yuan, which they buy domestically from a bank, yet they still price in US dollars.  There is no reprieve or protection from Police Services, Rental Control Offices, other Government agencies; even private and public businesses that operate on a cash only basis, mostly with no receipts and no integrity. I wonder if the Foreign Currency Act covers cases as such or it is left up to ones interpretation of what is considered Foreign Currency Exchange.

This is why Ghana and Africa needs Diasporas.  It is the Diasporas who not only have the business expertise and tried hands-on experiences to assist various government ministries but public and private businesses, schools, hospitals and the like; Diasporas care about saving our Motherland!  We care about our people whether they receive us or not. It is not about us or them!  It is about the future of Mother Africa; it’s about educating and saving generations of our children in business and politics with integrity; It’s about Restoring Africa “beyond Her former beauty”!

The Diasporas stand by helpless as we see our Motherland and people continually raped by non African interests and polluted by ignorance.  This is why the Immigration and Repatriation process is so, unjust, tedious, time consuming and costly for Diasporas.—The process was set up by the colonial/slave masters. 

There seems to be no written set fees or procedures manuals.  No supervisory agencies,  accountability or collaboration with other departments who play an integral role in the process.  The offices are in such a state of disarray that even if there were a procedures manual, it is not followed or it is unknown by the employees.  The reception process is unprofessional and confusing, seemingly working on a “class” or merit system with a total lack of customer concerns let alone customer services. Workers expect payment under the table to do their jobs adding to the frustrations that comes with an already difficult and costly process. They say that taking money aboves their wages is against the law.  Even signs at the court house encouraging the reporting of such activity. Yet, the court staff also have their hands out.  Everyone knows it!  Everyone expects it!  However, everyone also expect you to just pay and keep your mouth shut!

I believe that as a Diaspora Investor that you are going to pay for the other foreign interest in Africa; those who has been exploiting African countries for decades having given nothing or contributed nothing of lasting value in return.

While many may have a lot of things half right; from my experienced perspective, I’ve got a lot of things fully right.  I am not saying take my words as gospel, I am merely saying, “things are not as they may have been presented or portrayed”.

I got it that Ghana spent about 2 million dollars trying to convince well to do Diasporas to invest in Ghana.  The Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) is no doubt spending money on publicity when it should be spending on infra structure, eg. Decent clean restrooms with flush toilets, sidewalks and gutters, sanitation and refuse bends.

Yes, Ghana took care of all your expenses, without the knowledge of the Ghanaian people who would resent it, although they will try to get it back some kind of way.  They played with your heart strings with the Cape Coast Castle Dungeons and other horrific heartbreaking Sites and the Spirit of our Ancestors.   But it was the Diaspora Community who was there to gives you the true history, a HUG; to cry with you as you reentered through the Doors of Return; to say, we feel you!  We have been there!

At the same time they wined and dined you making you think ALL IS WELL!  Beloveds, all is not well!

Without a doubt, Ghana/Africa need the Diaspora.  However, they have no idea what it is they need from us and have put dollar signs before our experienced and personal values and the multiple talents we offer.  That is their number one priority—get all you can get while you can get it!  They don’t care who you are or your status in life or what you have been through to get to where you are today…they care about one thing—THE ALMGHTY DOLLAR and what it will do for them!

Ghana is seeing marketed improvements merely because the Diasporas are coming in blind.  Many are they who see only through Ghanaian tourism incentives and Ghanaian tourist traps that keep you away from other Diasporas and the reality of Ghana. Diasporas it Is NOT what you think or have been told of the Year of Return.  The Year of Return has spiritual implications that culminate with the prophetic fulfillment of the end of 400 years bondage.

While most Ghanaians are sitting around ignorant to us and laughing at us, thinking that we are totally and completely ignorant;  thinking the Diaspora have the money they need; they rub their hands together waiting for us to put something in them other than the Foreign Aid our taxes already give to them.  They expect, want and will get whatever else they can, over and above anything that’s due them.

The value on the purchase of land and rentals has dramatically increased in dollars in a cedi economy.  Yet, this is the plight awaiting those of Diaspora on the contention of increasing the value of Ghanaian real estate and economy for foreigners and Diasporas alike; to put more money in Ghanaian pockets and to forever influence the land market.  This will make land out of reach for the average Diaspora where I have heard local Chiefs compare land values to that of NY City. This is merely one of the laws that is ignored that you cannot depend on for any recourse of justice from police services or the courts once you have been scammed.

I am not saying do not come.  I am not saying do not invest.  I am saying DO NOT GO THROUGH ANY GHANAIAN AGENTS without first seeking the advice and experience of going through Diaspora organizations. 

Again, I refer you to the Pan African Coalition and its member organizations, namely CRAAAG, BADA and also AAAG.  To not seek out these experienced Ghanaians of Diaspora (some citizens others waiting for citizenship) would be detrimental.  I do not care how much money you have.  Many Diasporas have been there and done that.  Some have died with their money tied up in government red tape or just taken from them. I am talking about what I know to be truth for many of Diaspora and of a good friend and well known people like Mohamed Ali, if yawl think I am playing.

There was a time when I wanted citizenship.  However, now, I do I do not want to live nowhere I am not wanted.  Just as I do not care to be a citizen no longer of America. Some of you old timers may remember Brook Bentons the Boll Weevil Song?    Well, that seems to be me along with many.  Although the Ancestors  have drawn me and are drawing many Diasporas; After nearly 5 years of “going through it”, I’m looking for a home…I thought it was in Mother Africa—Ghana the Homeland I love.

I hope, if nothing else, that my personal experiences, mishaps of injustices and my writing about them will be helpful to others.  What I write, I wish I had had someone to tell me of such things and experiences that would have averted much heartache and pain.

I live and deal with the people at ground zero.  Therefore, I see and have experienced much along with their contempt for those of Diaspora.

Through it all my Brothers and Sisters 

Hotep Light One Love
Priestess El Ahora Yah Asantewaa, aka
Apostle Rubie James

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