Monday, November 5, 2018

Warefare Tactics: Gas Lighting Propaganda


Nowadays, whenever Black populations attempts to protest any mistreatments they endure from white societies, the white establishment will never legitimize these grievances. They will instead always respond by presenting narratives that counters and undermines the Black protests. It's a distraction tactic known as Mass Gas Lighting. 

This tactic is what's being done when the white establishment response to the Black lives matter slogan by saying that all lives matters. It's also what's being done when Black protest against the repeated killing of their love ones by white police officers and the white establishment responds with the false narrative that Black people are declaring a war on police officers. 

The term gas- lighting psychological abuse is usually associated with individual abusive relationships, wherein which one person is manipulated and mentally abused for the benefited of the other. However, that same system is also being used on a large scale level by white societies against Black populations. It's then referred to as Mass Gas Lighting Psychological Warfare. 

Mass Gas lighting psychological warfare is a form of mass psychological abuse wherein which the oppressors routinely creates, and then imposes, false narratives beneficial to their own cause upon the oppressed population. It is a insidious form of psychological abuse wherein in which information is always twisted, spun, and or selectively omitted to favor the oppressor.  This routine behavior, by the white establishment, in response to Black protest, is intentionally being done to mentally abuse the Black population. It's a insidious psychological warfare system. This tactic is also what's actually being done to Black people whenever white societies labels us (Black people) as being racist for protesting against their white racism towards us. This tactic shifts the focus away from the inequality being expressed by the Black population and forces the Black population to instead engage in defending themselves against false accusation of racism. Meanwhile the true issue of Black inequality is never addressed by the white establishment.

This mass gas lighting system is the reason why we literally have peaceful Black protesters crying; "please stop the white cops from killing us", and the white establishment responding by criminalizing them as thugs, and using many deflecting commentaries to avoid addressing the issue. This psychological warfare practice is what you're witnessing when the white establishment says; "All Lives Matters", as rebuttals to the "Black Lives Matters" slogan. This rebuttal is merely a distraction tactic. It's intentionally designed to divert attention away from the issue of Black victims being routinely killed by white cops. It's also used to defuse the moral statement of "Black Lives Matters". The flag kneeling issue is also merely a distraction tactic. It's intentionally designed to divert attention away from the issue of Black victims being routinely killed by white cops. 

Within this psychological warfare system, the white establishment is never acknowledged as morally wrong, and the Black oppressed are never acknowledged as morally correct. This practice is continued until the Black population begins to doubt their own positions. Many begins to doubt their reasons for protesting, thinking that if their cause isn't being recognized by the dominant society then perhaps it lacks merit. The mind's of targeted populations are quite easy to manipulate if they're unaware of what's being done to them. Once minds have been confused, manipulation becomes simple. The mind will even ignore common sense, and rationality falls away, even overlooking hypocrisy and deception.

Our common mistake, as Black people living within white dominant societies, is that we perceive ourselves as being fully citizens however in reality nothing could be furthest from the truth. Although white governments professes equality for all citizens they're secretly unrelentingly committed towards the preservation of their nation's white dominance. This unrelenting commitment has always necessitated that systems be secretly implemented against the interests of Black populations- as a means of protecting their white dominance. 

The white elites are unrelentingly committed towards the preservation of white dominance and control. There is also secretly an immense fear of Black retribution that secretly exist within the US government--due to its centuries of brutal and cruel mistreatment and exploitation of Africa and its people. This commitment, and fears of Black retribution logically followed that the white elites would implement these same well proven media psychological warfare programs to control their Black population. 

The Black Matrix Part 1
The Black Matrix Part 2
Divide and Conquer 
Manufactured Consent

The Black Matrix by Franklin Jones

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