I Am writing this for a few reasons. Sorry to use this platform to do so. However, If I can use this platform to disseminate the injustices of others, surly I can use it to tell the injustices perpetuated against me and others of Diaspora. I have been quiet for too long. I would be willing to bet that others face the same vile injustices, particularly those of Diaspora. Therefore, I write this and don’t really care if anyone thinks I should not have blogged my personal story. Perhaps I can divert the evil set-up of this rat and other jealous haters of those of Diaspora.
An ex-Ghanaian detective, who
happens to be my landlord, Prince Amoabeng who has been gouging, cheating and harassing me for
two years; beat me up, then threaten me, perhaps in the wake of current events, I should take his threats
seriously. In particularly when that
individual goes out of his way to climb the neighbors Mango tree cut branches
as he is perched on a branch with a birds-eye-view of my bedroom window looking
at my weak naked body with a tube running
from my stomach. In addition to sending men up on the narrow two story ledge several times after being told it was an invasion of my privacy, peering into my windows under the guise of working or picking mangoes or cutting Plantain leaves that obstruct their satellite reception or no excuse at all.
Although law is law, Diasporas have no recourse, particularly if they do not have financial capability. Rental Office charge the Diaspora, to lodge a complaint against a Ghanaian, although the services are free to Ghanians.
Although law is law, Diasporas have no recourse, particularly if they do not have financial capability. Rental Office charge the Diaspora, to lodge a complaint against a Ghanaian, although the services are free to Ghanians.
I have made no secret of being ripped off, scammed robbed
and stolen from for the four years I have been in Ghana. I have actually asked my readers for help because the losses I sustained at one point were devastating. Even now, I find myself playing catch-up.
The Mandate I Am on and the message I blog has attracted many haters and those who dwell in darkness in the religious industry who teach error and false doctrines to keep the masses in darkness. This in addition to many Africans who think that I and other Diasporas are rich or well off when the balance of my finances, after my living expenses goes into proposed awakening education and enlightenment of them through this Blog and other social medias.
This seems to be the thing some Ghanaians do; many scam and lie, some unaware they they lack basic moral values. Ghanians are responsible for the poverty and destruction of Ghana. They figure if the government do it, rip people off, they can too. The consensus of the common people is that if you are a 'foreigner' (Obroni) you are rich and can easily replace that of which they steal. With that, there comes a point, even when you know that the law will be imputed in the Ghanaians favor, that you must stand up to their dishonest unlawful acts, that you must stand up for what is right, just and fair no matter the cost. This is one of those moments.
The Mandate I Am on and the message I blog has attracted many haters and those who dwell in darkness in the religious industry who teach error and false doctrines to keep the masses in darkness. This in addition to many Africans who think that I and other Diasporas are rich or well off when the balance of my finances, after my living expenses goes into proposed awakening education and enlightenment of them through this Blog and other social medias.
This seems to be the thing some Ghanaians do; many scam and lie, some unaware they they lack basic moral values. Ghanians are responsible for the poverty and destruction of Ghana. They figure if the government do it, rip people off, they can too. The consensus of the common people is that if you are a 'foreigner' (Obroni) you are rich and can easily replace that of which they steal. With that, there comes a point, even when you know that the law will be imputed in the Ghanaians favor, that you must stand up to their dishonest unlawful acts, that you must stand up for what is right, just and fair no matter the cost. This is one of those moments.
A Pastor, who declared his intentions to sponsor me, Pastor
David Demordzie of Living Word Baptist Church in Cape Coast, even though he
signed legal documents of Declaration in the Superior Court of Judicature in
the High Court of Justice, he and an Immigration Officer did not think twice
about scamming me. Scamming, scheming, lying, dishonesty, lack of
integrity and social morals seems to be ingrained in the very core of the soul of Ghanaian society of which many cannot
recognize in themselves.
Why am I doing this? Why
do I say such things? Other than being truth and facts, I publicize this because should
those who dwell in darkness succeed at their antics against me, I want to have a publicized record. I took the only help and advice of the US Embassy and went to the police. I filed a police report against Pastor David Demordzie.
I have received additional indications that my phone has been tapped and a female police officer called me in a frail idiotic attempt to set me up as either selling, buying or using drugs. I mean, how dare me bring an accusation against one of their own although they know most of the pastors are religious shysters and most landlords are in violation of housing laws and everyone look the other way.
I have received additional indications that my phone has been tapped and a female police officer called me in a frail idiotic attempt to set me up as either selling, buying or using drugs. I mean, how dare me bring an accusation against one of their own although they know most of the pastors are religious shysters and most landlords are in violation of housing laws and everyone look the other way.
One Ghanaian feigning to be my friend who took me
to the police department call me questioning me in an perturbing manner to get
information while the ‘beeping’ sound, so familiar to the 911 calls in the US, of a
police recorded call sounded in my ear. Not to mention that I did not pay the officer
a bribe under the table, which I was reminded a few times and even talked face
to face with the individual telling him why I did not give the officer money.
This wanting and collecting money from the public is customary to Ghanaians, for people to do the job they are getting paid to do. Many collect these monies at police barricades, government offices and many places of business; they want more money from you for doing a job they are getting paid to do.
This wanting and collecting money from the public is customary to Ghanaians, for people to do the job they are getting paid to do. Many collect these monies at police barricades, government offices and many places of business; they want more money from you for doing a job they are getting paid to do.
Anyway, I was made to
feel like I was the accused at the last officers questioning. Not saying all officers are like him. Not saying all Africans take bribes. Not
saying all government offices or all officers at barricades collect undue monies. However, I just
have not experienced otherwise and have seen it happen over and over again. I must say that my initial contact with one of the Commanders and a
Department head that I felt were genuinely altruistic and professional.
Now I know what it sounds like to many of you. Your question
is why stay in Ghana? In particular when Ghanaians do not want Diasporas here and have a warped Western concept of us? My answers are: Everyone in Ghana is not in darkness or
evil. As a Moorish National, I have a
right to live anywhere in the world I’d like.
I have inherent rights as a human being. I have godly rights. I have a living lawful right under any State Law and
International Law not to have my human rights violated. Yes, even in Africa, my
Mother Land, especially in Africa.
However, most importantly, is that the African Ancestors who drew me to Ghana as with all those of Diaspora I know, has given a divine mandate from the Most High Creator G-D with a message of Restoration. This message would free Africans and deliver them from darkness, poverty and chaos to true freedom.
However, most importantly, is that the African Ancestors who drew me to Ghana as with all those of Diaspora I know, has given a divine mandate from the Most High Creator G-D with a message of Restoration. This message would free Africans and deliver them from darkness, poverty and chaos to true freedom.
Of course the message of Restoration is rejected by African leaders of Western ideologies because they would loose control and influence over the simple minded, uneducated and those who
awaken who SANKOFA and return to true African Spirituality. It is rejected by dark greedy religious leaders because truth will deplete their tithes and offerings and
they too will lose their feigned credibility.
It is rejected by other entities because it will wake the people up to
their inherent rights, therefore, no longer easily persuaded to partake in illegal antics. Sadly, it is rejected by the majority of the people
because they are afraid to come out of the darkness they have dwelt in for over
400 years and you put nothing in their
outstretched hands.
Therefore, what do
you do? Do you fulfill your Life-Purpose
of releasing love, light and compassion or do you allow darkness to overtake
you? Do you compromise godly morals, values and truth to submit to a shameful lessor way of life and lower life form?
I have tried to protect the image of Africa by not publishing the many
flaws of the masses dark characteristics that would verify the worlds popular negative views of Africa. And because there is an entire segment of educated, intelligent, awakened and enlightened professional Africans with
morals, great honesty and integrity who pay for the dishonesty and lack of
integrity of their countrymen.
However, I have worked tirelessly for four years. I have been releasing
messages of hope, life, love and morals. I will continue to plant those seeds of
righteousness in a dark land. Sadly, I see no other alternative but to publish this Blog. Perhaps someone will see and recognize the error of their ways or the “set-up” will be
stepped up or foiled. Perhaps the governments and the people will take another look at the dysfunctions
and the worlds view of Africa to make an honest effort to change the way they do
things. Perhaps they will appoint supervising agencies for accountability and culpability. Either way, truth and justice must and will come to
It’s either Restoration or judgment as a result of negative dark thoughts and actions. You can
believe that change is going to come.
Catch the vision. I have nothing to give but to release love, light and compassion.
Who Will Believe Our Report?
Africans In The Destruction of Africa
Who Will Believe Our Report?
Africans In The Destruction of Africa
Hotep Light One Love
Priestess El Ahora Yah Asantewaa, aka
Apostle Rubie JamesPriestess El Ahora Yah Asantewaa, aka
Document your respect for this Word. Your financial gifts of support are needed to keep this channel on line.
Please e-mail Apostle Rubie James: apostlerubie@gmail.com for other options. Thank you.

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