The inter-dimensional DNA Layer of energy of the number three represent what they call the G-D Head, which comprises Mother G-D (Holy Spirit/Shecanniah Glory), Father G-D and the SUN of G-D.
The number three in biblical numerology Many miss that profound collective aspect and connection as they make Prime Creator a single entity separating G-D from G-D. Allow me to point out also that Prime Creator G-D is neither male nor female but One Divinity that contains all that G-D is.
The number three in biblical numerology Many miss that profound collective aspect and connection as they make Prime Creator a single entity separating G-D from G-D. Allow me to point out also that Prime Creator G-D is neither male nor female but One Divinity that contains all that G-D is.
The number three is a grounding layer of human biological
trio of the energies of number one and number two that affects the chemistry
and relationship to Akash. The number three is the catalyst to change. It is
the divine blueprint of ascension to ones higher self through Innate. The
energy of the number three never changes but changes that around it. Therefore,
if ones consciousness has not changed or
if one has not made the shift into this new Harmonic Convergence of Consciousness Energy; If your foundation is
not grounded in truth of who Prime Creator G-D is, there is no way that one can
grasp who they are. Therefore, one
dwells in a mere existence of religious fairytales, false hoods and the lies we humans have been
acclimated to waiting for heaven to manifest versus walking in heaven while on
this earth.
The inter-dimensional DNA Layer of energy of the number
three pairs with the number nine the three-fold
number of the fullness of G-D—Prime Creator.
Hotep Light One Love
Apostle Rubie JamesIntro To Numerology
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