Sunday, October 13, 2019

Restoration Not Culture

"The First method begins by destroying the institutions, traditions, religious and habits of the people then superimpose upon the ruins whatever the governing powers consider to be a better the administration system."~ Edwin W Smith/International Missionary Council

One of my lovely daughters posted the following statement and it should be shared.

"I heard this tonight and felt I should share:  Do NOT put culture over kingdom'!!!!"~H. Kinsey

At the time, I was in Ghana where there are so very many different tribes claiming various traditions as their culture.  Just as many are unaware as to what they call culture is merely a tainted colonial version of the Ancestors and what the Ancients of Days intended for a royal and chosen people.  Thus, the reason for 400 years bondage. 

Historically and some tribes today still fight among themselves over their differences putting a tainted culture first.  This merely perpetuate and enhance the colonial/slave agenda of poverty, mind control, disassociation and disunity throughout the African Continent and between Africans home and abroad.
Western religion has become the greatest tool of contrtol
and brainwashing for Africans and their ancient culture.
Needless to say, they reject those of Diaspora as non African. Unfortunately, the African governments are using Diasporas to create a class system in Africa, which aggravates the tensions between the "rich Americans" of color and the poor Africans; widening the gap as well between those Africans who are well off and the disadvantaged and poor African.  This is by design.  

The design is not necessarily known to African leaders, merely because most were educated in a colonial control environment and educational system that inadvertently keep the African disjointed, in bondage and ignorant as to whom they truly are.  

Seemingly, those educated outside of Africa thinks that the Western and European way of doing things would work in Africa. Therefore, many  line their pockets, at the expense of the people, in order to maintain a European/Western status quo

I Am honored and given privilege to reiterate on the above statement Heather Kinsey made and here is the Divine Counsel:

Our culture perhaps may be totally opposite of what our purpose on this earth is.

Of a surety, once we exit the birth canal, we become acclimated to our surroundings, the atmosphere and the conditions we are presented with.  As we grow, we are trained by our parents and taught how to act within a 3-D society--A society not conducive to our divine nature.  That is what we humans search for all of our lives; our lost divinity; and, to be restored back to our divine nature and one with the Whole from whence we came.

If we are lucky, we build upon truths we have been taught, going beyond them to a higher consciousness to become pliable to that "inner voice".  This inner voice, we called Innate or Spirit whispers’, "Whether you go to the left or to the right, your ears will hear (Shamah) a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way, walk in it'."

Believe or not, many of us have been here before in another life time. We sometimes get flashes that we remember that we call "Deja Vu".  Deja Vu comes from the French term to describe the feeling that one has lived through the present situation before. Deja Vu is a feeling of familiarity and feelings of recollection of a past experience, dream or situation.

The truth is that many of us get segments from our previous life, whether from this plane or other dimensions.  We remember some aspects of why we are here on earth, if we follow through on the premonitions, searching to connect the dots, as I say. 

Many of you reading may not be able to accept or receive what I Am writing and that's ok.  Perhaps it is not for you or you are not yet ready or you are not in a place to receive.  We do not judge nor condemn you; neither does Prime Creator who many call G-D; the Ancients of Days; Angels or the entire heavenly hosts.  However, they stand by in attendance waiting for the scales to fall from our eyes in love and admiration. 

Truth is that we are the stars. We came from the planetary systems and other planes of existence. We are the light on this earth.  Our purpose is to find and be restored back to that light; and, our Life-Purpose while here on earth and 'shine' to 'overcome' darkness. 

Just think about that!  Isn’t that what the Christman many of you call Jesus and the prophets before and after did?

Most religions teach a doctrine of Resurrection. However, we have apparently missed the entire point of the allegories in the bible and the examples the Christ left us on how to be Resurrected and Restored.

We are divine spirits who have come to earth through the birth process into human form to accomplish a purpose. We know that Spirit needs flesh and bones to work through. So, why we have a difficult time believing that, just as the Christ, we are spiritual beings in human body  is indeed a quandary to many.  The mistranslation of this mystery of "Christ in US" can be traced back to the false and traditional teachings of a religious System that has arrested and controlled our minds and way of life for eons--A System that has perverted the Christ Principles, placing christhood or godhood out of reach for us humans. However, the Christ said, "As I AM so are you". I could say much much more but back to the topic.

Now for those of you who adhere to the Bible but don't know Scripture, "Search the Scriptures for in them you will find life" and "Study to show yourselves approved".  Those of you who know Scripture, you can verify my every word through Scripture in Spirit.  Spiritual things are spiritually discerned.  Therefore, these Christ Principles cannot be grasped or cognized through the intellect. One must know that  "Christ" is a Universal Divine Principle not a man!

We must "get past the rudimentary basics of the Christ" as taught through Christianity to learn the Mysteries of the Kingdom of G-D that orthodoxy unfortunately do not teach.  This is because most often they follow manmade doctrine, rules, traditions and even culture versus truth as they walk in the fleshly wisdom of a 3-D world. Therefore, they are not given nor do they receive revelation to these mysteries that are shrouded or hidden within their Bible. One cannot teach what they do not know.

Some of you reading will reject what I Am saying because the reading is long or perhaps you scan through not getting the full understanding of what I Am saying.  Perhaps you got stuck on a particular word or phrase that you have not heard before or something that do not meet with your beliefs or your church doctrine. Therefore, you are unable to receive the higher prophetic or esoteric aspects. And that's alright because a seed has been planted and when you’re ready, it will begin to sprout.  The process is referred to as "putting on the mind of a christ" and "Having the Testimony of a christ, which is the Spirit of Prophecy". Both are a process that takes time, research, study and dedication with pure intent.

Know, however, that Spirit only deals with humans in that we know.  Spirit can only "see" what the potentials are, which are given by human consciousness.   Thus, "as a (wo)man thinks" it is. Therefore if one do not open their minds up to receiving and contemplate on what they agree or disagree with that may be new to them; Spirit has nothing to work with for your growth and maturity or ascension into a higher plane or realm of spiritual awareness and consciousness.

The potential of earthly manifestation arrives through Spirit based upon the attributes of consciousness as we humans put forth thoughts, purpose and ideals with pure intent and integrity. This is what we "old souls", particularly those who has been awakened and enlightened are here on earth to do.  As forerunners, we see outside this 3-D existence, 'beyond the veil' into other planes of existence.  This seeing is to “see” and "predict" or create the future.

Now, I know this goes against orthodoxy and what we were taught. However, just use spiritual common sense. This is what the Ancients of Days, the Prophets of old, the Christ, the Apostles, in particular, the Apostle Paul tried to reveal to the early church.  Not the early church only but Buddha, Muhammad, Krisna and many more prophets were sent to nations, a particular people in their era at a specified time, all with the same message--Freedom, Unity, Restoration,  Resurrection, Love and Compassion!  

Christianity IS NOT the only way of life who was given the resurrection and restoration message. As it was then, so it is now only the message of restoration is more enhanced with the Shift and Harmonic Convergence.

Christ said, "NOW, THE KINGDOM IS AT HAND". Basically, he was saying I AM going to show you how to receive and walk into the Kingdom and he did. However, we got stuck on the man versus the Principles he left. Therefore, we missed his intent and have been searching for the Kingdom that is "in the heart of man" ever since, somewhere out there in the sky after we die.

Therefore we have missed the mark. We missed the Christ Principles that would bring us into the Kingdom, NOW!  

Many are missing this convergence of energy; the shift in awareness and the increased knowledge of as the result of the opening of portals that were initiated as a result of the shift and the change in the magnetic grids of the earth. 

These Time Capsuals or portals have been opened.  Knowledge has increased.  This increased release of these electromagnetic energies have  caused  higher vibrations of megahertz in the human brain along with the ability of the human to come into harmony with or to resonate at the same frequencies as Mother Gaia and the energy field that surrounds the earth (Schumann Resonance).

What does this mean?  It means that we humans can walk within the power and authority of our full Life-Purpose and divinity while here on earth, in our physical bodies now!

These are not easy concepts to grasp for those who are waiting to be rescued and saved with a "Second Advent" mentality or a "Rapture" indoctrinated mindset. 

Know that as Scripture has said that "wisdom will increase” and that "your sons and daughters will prophecy...Dream dreams and have visions"... That time has come.

There is a  shift in spiritual energy and consciousness and we must shift with it or get left behind.

If you have believed in a so-called rapture, change your concepts to the perception of reality--Catch the vision of Restoration.

Hotep Light One Love
Priestess El Ahora Yah Asantewaa, aka
Apostle Rubie James with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support affirmations of 101Things I AM FREE! 101 THINGS I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. (click on photo or above link)

Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym   JEWELS PROPHET.  Review   and  purchase  her      e-Books and paperback at Amazon (click on Jewels Prophet) or the following links:


Paperback available in Ghana
Information Page Ghana Locations 




Friday, October 11, 2019

Thought For Today- World Appreciation Day

Greetings and shalom royal family. 

I just want to say that I will not forget  your quiet kindness, support and love. You are a compassionate and caring person. I am sincerely grateful to you.

Today has been declared “WORLD APPRECIATION DAY”  and I want to say thank you for being you.

My hope for you is that  we all come into unity of faith to receive the Promise of our earthly inheritance as kings and queens; rulers in this New Age of  Higher Consciousness and Shift into the Year of Restoration and freedom from 400 years bondage into the Year of Perfect Vision 2020.  

Hotep Light One Love
Priestess El Ahora Yah Asantewaa, aka
Apostle Rubie James

Document your respect for this Word. Your financial gifts of support are needed to keep this channel on line.                    
                                         THANK YOU 
Please e-mail Apostle Rubie James for other options. Thank you. with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support affirmations of 101Things I AM FREE! 101 THINGS I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. (click on photo or above link)

Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym   JEWELS PROPHET.  Review   and  purchase  her      e-Books and paperback at Amazon (click on Jewels Prophet) or the following links:


Paperback available in Ghana
Information Page Ghana Locations 
001 509 316-1124