The internet is multiplicities of informational highways. There is no
reason for anyone to be ignorant in this day and age.
Knowledge is and has increased.
However knowledge without fortitude of wisdom is worthless. One can have the
knowledge that a tomato is a fruit; however, wisdom is knowing
not to put a tomato in a fruit salad.
Wisdom is the core of human existence.
We have been lied to for so long merely to
appease and be controlled by a dark fraction of those misguided elite
who are being controlled by dark matter of consciousness. Humans live in a fairy-tale land of make
believe rejecting reality of even who they are. This make-believe world of the
third dimension of which we live, renders knowledge useless.
Most humans continue to wallow in
the trenches of misinformation, lies and deceits of an old dark energy, even
when truth has been presented to them they hold on to their beliefs of
Today as I was walking to the
beach, I passed this young man and woman.
The young lady was talking to someone on the phone. I heard her say to the person on the other
end, “Yes, I have to go lie, I have to represent”. I wanted to go to her and
give her information on the blog “A Lie Is A Lie”. What on earth could she be representing by
lying? What would be the benefit except
to project more darkness, evil and chaos? I’d
be more than willing to say that they had just come from the church that was in
front of me. Yet, this is what
Christianity has taught the masses of people.
The lies and deceits of the
elite, the mind controls, the holographic images from a dark consciousness of
chaos is where humans play a distorted role contributing to the evils and darkness
in this world. Yet they will hang onto
their false doctrines of lies thinking they do righteousness.
Their minds are so controlled they have no concept of right and wrong; they cannot capitulate to light from darkness; they still insist on putting that tomato in the fruit salad making exceptions and excuses from a warped purview of reasoning that becomes their reality. Yet, they set out to evangelize the world to bring them into Christendom.
Their minds are so controlled they have no concept of right and wrong; they cannot capitulate to light from darkness; they still insist on putting that tomato in the fruit salad making exceptions and excuses from a warped purview of reasoning that becomes their reality. Yet, they set out to evangelize the world to bring them into Christendom.
Christendom is merely a
convoluted collection of watered down concepts from the periphery of the Way of Pure Light and Energy of the spiritualism of the Ancestors. Christendom is the blind leading
the blind. Humans have become so blind
in following man-made religions that they refuse to see the pure wisdom of
light. They cannot see the Principles for looking at the man. The same tenets that their Jesus
addressed and condemned of the “traditions of men” are the same traditions they
uphold without question.
It is mind boggling that a people can ever be learning but never come into the knowledge of truth. Yet, they still attempt to convince others to live their life of darkness they perceive as light.
It is mind boggling that a people can ever be learning but never come into the knowledge of truth. Yet, they still attempt to convince others to live their life of darkness they perceive as light.
Blessed are they who find G-D
whatever way they may choose. All I am saying is do not render the light of
knowledge useless because of the inability to rightly judge in the wisdom of
that knowledge that would prevent you from coming into your reality. Catch the Vision...
Hotep Light One Love!
Apostle Rubie James

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