A week or so ago, I was given a Word for Ghana. I will not pinpoint the words given in the
message A New Word For Ghana or target any specific location as that was not given to
me at that time.
However, for the past few days the Spirit has been dealing
with and showing me physical changes in the coastal areas of Cape Coast, Ghana,
in particular No Ola. I believe that the most imminent areas of concern are the entire West side along the Beach Front Road towards
Elmina of which I am believing extends
towards the Cape Coast Castle.
The sea is roaring, revving itself up to exert its strength in cleansing power. The Spirit said to me, today, "It's serious". As a flood of emotions came over me that shook my soul/spirit to the core. Tears of foreboding came over me, as the waves laid a carpet cleansing the sand before my footsteps as if Mother Gaia wanted to console and assure me of what I must do. “It’s
imminent. You must warn the people. Many will lose their lives. ‘It’ is being
held back because of the righteous.” The words began to flow so fast and my body began to quicken with each phrase that I knew Spirit was giving me the jest of the matter to release with my understanding of all She was impressing in my mind.
It doesn’t take a soils expert, geologist or scientist to
figure out that with the shift in the Magnetic Grid, the plates of the sea bed
has shifted causing a new configuration in the shorelines in addition to soil erosion and
deterioration in the land mass surrounding it.
In addition to the
anomalies and disasters around the world, we cannot expect that Africa will not
feel the effects of them. Although I believed that Africa would be the
last to experience devastation; I believe because of the pollution and trashing
of the earth, land and sea; they too will feel the effects of Mother
Earth/Gaia cleansing and renewing Herself.
The spirit said, “'they' are aware of what is happening”. She pointed out a satellite tower and impressed upon me that this is how they know and monitor the activity. I have also seen an environmental company move into the
area that I believe will be affected by the events that will occur. (Don’t know what that means, if
anything. Just to give you an indication
that someone is well aware.)
Yawll can believe that this Magnetic Shift, no matter how
slight it is, will have an effect on the entire multiverse, earth, land and
sea. You are not hearing about it from the scientific world or NASA simply
because they do not want people to panic. They have denied that they have been monitoring Nirubi or even the existence of it, which to many, who dwells in dark energy, is a grave concern. However, there is a remedy, a
spiritual one of which I and numerous channels have spoken of.
This shift in the magnetic poles has disturbed the earths tectonics Plates . This recalibration of the shift in humans and the earth includes not only the three Grids; the Magnetic
Grid, the Crystalline Grid and the Grid of Life called Gaia; it affects the entire magnetics of human biology and soul/spirit.
How can someone who is not a physicist,
scientist, metaphysician, biologist, geologist even a meteorologist speak of
such things? Indeed, how could I, unless
they have been revealed to me?
A translation of the
words that I was given into human vernacular of our 3-D language.
In regards to West Africa's coastal areas, particularly North
Ola. I believe that if not a tidal wave
or tsunami, that there will be flooding as a result of the shift in the oceans platelets. Do not
think that Africa do not have earthquake fault lines as well. All these are connected.
In the word given in the above link A New Word For Ghana, Spirit said, that “there will be landslides and flooding due to the heavy ‘rains’ in
low laying areas”. I believe the
word “rain”, I interpreted rightly but basic aspect of what Spirit was actually
saying because of my limited knowledge and vocabulary of physics in the transition
of the divine language, I perceived rain. The word "rains" could mean rain waters or water from the spray of a tsunami or from a tidel wave or it could mean both.
I believe that there will be great devastation that will
wipe out the bulk of No Ola from the sea as well as landslides into the low
lying areas; even to where I live. I believe that the
University of Cape Coast low lying areas will be affected along with the area
of the Latter Day Saints church south eastward to Cape Coast Castle. The vendors along the highway will be totally
wiped out. I believe some buildings will be saved because of other buildings
that surrounds them will serve as a buffer. Other buildings with debris will slide to shore up some buildings. I also believe that some structures will be saved because of the
righteous who lives in them.
Know Cape Coast and Ghana that you have and continue to
break every Law of Nature. You have
maintained open sewers that drain into the sea and waterways. You have allowed businesses and structures to
be built with no running water, no flush toilets or properly connected
sewers. You throw your trash to the
ground, pile it up then further pollute the air burning your trash.
You waste
electricity and make the people pay for your foolish waste. You have failed to put sensors on street
lighting that lights stay on well into the daylight.
You have disrespected the righteous of the Most High G-D and have
ignored words of warning. You have disrespected and dishonored the Ancestors. You have not
made any attempt to repent but remain in the old dark energy of destruction, dishonesty, greed and chaos. You dishonor the earth.
Therefore, the earth will cleanse Herself from all filthiness and unrighteousness.
Those who have ears to hear, hear these words. I am available for counsel as directed by