Saturday, July 5, 2014

Divine Logos Ancient Mysteries

In the Book Stolen Legacy by George G.W. James he quoted a source from Ancient Mysteries by C.H. Vail when talking about the disciplines and proficiencies it would take for ‘Initiates’ wanting to learn the “Egyptian Mysteries”. “Grammar, Rhetoric and logic were disciplines of moral nature by means of which the irrational tendencies of a human being were purged away, and he was trained to become a living Witness of the Divine Logos.”

I was not surprised to find great similarities  in the Scriptures and the Bible, in  lower degrees, to both the Egyptian Theory of Salvation and the Ancient Afrikan Mysteries that are practiced and present in the three major religions.  And quite so!  If these Ancient Holy Writings has been used by researched professionals to date the actual writing of the Bible in addition to dating the advent of ‘Christianity’ and Islam, it is a given that some of these truths would follow.
I found it  very interesting that the Ancient Afrikan Egyptian school was divided into three grades of students; “The Mortals—Students being instructed but had not yet experienced the inner vision; The Intelligences—Those who attained the vision who received ‘mind’ or nous; and, The Creators or Sons of Light who became united with the Light, therefore receiving true spiritual consciousness.  These grades were the equivalents of Initiation, Illumination and Perfection.

Eye of Ra
To use another prophetic analogy and lingo would be to compare these three levels to the spiritual precepts and prophetic concepts of the levels o spiritual ascension to the Temple: The Courts, the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place.  Another comparison also in the Bible is when the writer of Hebrews talked about Mt  ZION.  Know that when the Bible speaks of ZION, it was not referring to  a literal physical place in Israel per se (The prophetic revelation for us today) but the spiritual concepts and reality of the highest level one can attain while on this earth—Heaven

These spiritual precepts and revelations often eluded the Greek mindsets. Neither had the Greeks been initiated into the secrecy of the basics of the Egyptian School of Thought. Therefore, they were incapable of perceiving the prophetic or esoteric values of thought and drew their own conclusions and theories. 

The Greeks carted off the entire Egyptian library stealing the Holy Egyptian Scrolls or Stele’, but the spiritual concepts and revelation were evasive and foreign to  them. 

It was because they did not understand these Mysteries that many Afrikan practices and the highest form of spirituality was demonized by those who did not have spiritual enlightenment to recognize the fullness of these African Spiritual Mysteries. Instead, just as many misread and misinterpret the Bible of today; they misunderstand the Mysteries by taking a literal point of view or have not received the spiritual foundation to rightly interpret. Know too that many of these African Mysteries are also contained in the Bible.  These Mysteries has also been shrouded in obscurity that only those who have been enlightened might see or receive revelation.

The Writer said, “you have come to Mount Zion--the city of the living G-D the heavenly Jerusalem, and to myriads of angels; The General Assembly; and The Church of the Firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to G-D, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect

Ultimately, it took years of intellectual disciplinary exercises and bodily asceticism, tests and ordeals in order to determine one’s fitness to proceed to higher curriculum past the Ten Virtues and the seven Liberal Arts and finally admission to the Greater Mysteries.

To the discerning soul, those of you who know true African history, it is plain to see how these Ancient Books were stolen during the envision of Afrika by Alexander the Great (Known in the Scriptures through the prophecy of Daniel as [Rome] the Big Horn) and put into the libraries in the 'Great Library of Alexander.  

These holy writings  were then made available to Athenians such as Socrates along with his successors Plato and Aristotle. These sacred and historical books were then plagiarized by Socrates, edited and rewritten by his students after Socrates death.  They  eventually came to be known as Greek Philosophy.  

Many spiritual concepts eventually were then influenced by these new-found philosophies watered-down to restricting rules, precepts, principles and attitudes of the Grego-Roman era to be rewritten and transliterated.  These watered-down precepts, along with the destruction and devastation of  Scrolls and other Sacred Writings, during the "Compromise" and "Counsels" by the Old Roman Catholic Church were eventually rewritten and printed into books  in the 15th Century called the Bible. 

Daily, as I continue in this walk of life doing what I was conferred upon to do; “Follow the Paths of the Ancients”, I find many of the concepts and Principles that has been revealed to me is now coming to a brighter Light.  

Through my studies and meditations, questions I have had are being answered. The blanks are being filled in; the dots are being connected!  I also see now how Afrikans seemingly lost connection with our Ancestors of Egypt or Ma’at as the culture, ways, spirituality and foreign influences invaded the Afrikan Continent began to give way to a Religion called Islam and Christianity and the European Mission to Christianize Afrika.

Even my original concept of Divine Spirit instructing me to “Follow the paths of the Ancients”, I was influenced by my limited knowledge of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. Since then, however, it has been revealed and I have seen the reason that even the Christman said, “Before Abraham was I AM

I also know, beyond a shadow of doubt the true purpose of Renewal and Restoration. 

Therefore, if one is steeped in religion and stuck on Jesus being the only way, truth and light you will, like in the parable of the 10-virgins, be as the five foolish virgins who did not have enough oil to trim their lamps to enter into the Kingdom.  They were all virgins, all had oil or light, however, five did not have enough.  

They were foolish because they did not go beyond where they were in knowledge; they did not do what it took to maintain or get more oil or enlightenment!  They did not grow or come into perfection (Teleios)of conscious mind!  They stagnated in the irrational tendencies of a human or should I say they continued dwelling in the beastly unrenewed fleshly mindset or  that of the "basics" as a ‘Babe’ or child never fully maturing as Sons, incapable of coming into Divine Union.

Hotep Light One Love
Priestess El Ahora Yah Asantewaa, aka
Apostle Rubie James

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