The number eleven, in Numerology is a Master number. It is considered to be the most intuitive number that carry's enlightenment and enhances one's ability to tap into Innate, if one is open to it.
The eleven carries the initiation capabilities and power of illumination and manifestation. This includes ability and capacity to bridge the gap of ascension through Innate (Spirit) to one's higher self, beyond the veil.
This powerful month of Mastery can open up and enhance one's psychic ability, spirituality, and bring freedom, peace, joy and happiness. In its powerful wakes of conscious energy it offers the power with ability and capacity to manifest one's dvine Inheritance.
The month of November is a powerful month dealing with transforming oneself into a new creation; ascending into another spiritual level where one's abilities to manifest the desires of one's heart becomes a powerful reality! It is an energetic channel of healing, ascension and illumination into a brighter more profound light with love and compassion. If one is willing to move beyond the purview of that which they now know, removing all limitations, moving in synchronicity, manifestation is inevitable.
These spiritual energies in November are particularly amplified between November 1st – November 11th. Some have called this the 11:11 Gateway. Surly it is for those Channels of healing and those who has moved outside the box of 3-D or linear thinking.
The New Moon in November brings about succinct Solar activity with the 11:11 Gateway unlocking the magic of synchronicity to manifest your dream life; to expand your consciousness; to heal and reconnect your soul with the Soul of the Universe or the Whole.
Therefore, the energy behind the Master Number Eleven offers one easier access into higher spiritual realms supporting your ascension process; expanding your consciousness; and, open channels for self healing in every aspect of your life.
Discover how to make the most of this powerful energetic time while here on earth. Pay attention! It is the Universe's way of talking to you.
Hotep Light One Love
Intro to Colorology in process

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