Numerology is the science and study of numbers. Simply stated, numbers are vibrations of energy. Everything has energy. Everything vibrates. Everything is constantly moving. We must always be cognizant of the fact that energies embody a System and that numbers are energy that produces thought and movement.
Numerology tells you what the intellect does not. Numbers are sent by divine beings as a form of spiritual guidance to let us now that new beginnings could be on the horizon and that our intuition will guide us to where we need to go.
Numbers are usually related to our guardian angels wanting to send guidance and comfort. Numbers are guidance from divine forces and are here to lend a hand when it comes to personal growth and taking steps on our spiritual journey.
There are manifestations of potentials in reality based upon the vibrations of the values of numbers through synchronicity of quantum attributes.We love to say that Spirit originates the circumstances that brings us into alignment with our higher purpose. We then, therefore, watch for the exterior situations to an interior witness.
Therefore, when one sees a recurring number pay attention; it is the Universe talking to you through the ascended masters who are sending you a sign worth paying attention to.
Discover how to make the most of this powerful energetic time while here on earth.
El Ahora El Bey
Intro to Colorology in process