Examine yourself, re examine yourself. Do not judge yourself but gain knowledge in the difference between analyzing or examining yourself versus critically judging yourself.
Examine your intellect, your imagination...give yourself a deep analysis to find out what it is in your subconscious that makes you fear, apprehensive and jittery about certain things or think harmful thoughts about others.
Fear keeps people from growing and ascending the spiritual realms and realities of life. Such a one fears death or that dream state where there is fear that something will happen to you. Yet, it is in that dream state one's spirit receives instructions, enlightenment, understanding and creativity.
There is nothing to fear but fear itself.
So many Ghanaians lock themselves behind secured gates, prison-like fences, barred windows, locked doors throughout their living quarters, shutters that restricts light; yet they acclaim to know a god who will deliver them from all things, a father who protects and a savior who gives them life!
Yet, fear dictates how they live their life. Know that there is a difference in beng smart and security conscious; and, literally afraid, living in fear and allowing that fear to control you.
I submit that there is something within you that your spirit is causing you to fear. There is something within your heart that does not conform to the Laws of Life/Liberty of the Universe that has caused you to fear.
It is the fraction of ones disconnected spirit from soul that causes fear.
One's spirit lives in fear when they refuse to face the realities of life and the true G-D'; they misrepresent G-D, misjudge and come against one of an enlightened soul/spirit, even the god within themselves.
To fear is to lack knowledge and understanding. There is only danger in fear that you don't know. That of which you know and understand is not fearsome. Therefore, know and understand what it is you now fear.
The only way to get rid of fear is to come face to face with your own negative thoughts, the words you speak, your own actions and the way you treat others.
"Perfect Love casts out all fear"...
Hotep Light One Love
Priestess El Ahora Yah Asantewaa, aka
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