Saturday, June 30, 2018

Africans Know Your History

SANKOFA Children of the SUN 

I  continue to assert that if one do not know where they have been or where they came from it is most difficult to know who you are, where you are going or to find your purpose in life.

White America and the Europeans continually tell us to forget about our past.  Forget about slavery pretend that there is no racism and move on. After all, it was not them who forced our African Ancestors into slavery, it was their ancestors.  Yet, the majority of Europeans and all Americans reap from the benefits of their ancestors forced servitude of Africans.  

They enjoyed and are still enjoying  the benefits of free labor, inventions, and building their country’s up as they are today. They still take Africa’s brightest to keep Africa at an economical, technological, scientific, and educational disadvantage.

Unfortunately, most Africans look down on their brothers and sisters of Diaspora not only because of those lies and the perpetuation of false history but think that we come to take away their culture and traditions.  However, the hard truth and facts is that the European and the West has already done that! They have replaced true African spirituality, culture and tradition with 400 years of compromised, white-washed history, brainwashing and lies. 

Therefore, Africans hang on to that they think true African culture and tradition of the Ancestors because these lies are all they know—a watered-down version of truth and that little bit of culture Africans were allowed to retain.  This small knowledge  was passed down through the royals of which has now become spoiled with religion, Western hypocrisy and greed.

The following article was taken from one of my What’s App. I totally agree and concur with the authors sentiments.  It is past time for Africans to awake and come into the reality of who they are.  There is nothing more detrimental to the African than to live the White man’s lies in a Black man’s reality.


“It’s unfortunate that most Afrikans don’t know Afrika was a land that was once technologically advanced and developed before colonization. They think Afrika has always been a s***hole since the beginning of time. They don’t even know colonial invasions, wars, and plunder by Europeans, Arabs, Turks, and other foreign nationalities ruined Afrika.

Most Afrikans don’t even know before the colonization of Afrika, Europe was a s***hole continent, while Afrikan cities, such as Timbuktu in ancient Mali Empire for instance - was one of the world’s financial capitals in the world.

Timbuktu was a very wealthy place. It was also a hub for higher learning where Afrikans from all over the continent - including Europeans, Arabs, Asians, etc - came to acquire knowledge in mathematics, science, arts, engineering, medicine, astronomy, philosophy, etc. Timbuktu was a place where one would find great schools of higher learning, similar to Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Yale, and Columbia we have today.

It is important that Afrikans, especially religious Afrikans, put their Bibles and Qurans down so they can read and understand their history to know who they are and where they come from, so they can know what they are suppose to do and how to march forward into the future and dominate the future.

Afrikans are divided and confused and that’s because of religion. Religion has done absolutely nothing for Afrika. Nothing! Churches and mosques contribute nothing to Her development. Pastors aren’t helping matters. All they do is milk the sheep of their tithe money in the name of the slave master’s fictional god and get richer, while the sheep keep getting poorer.

Religion is no different from capitalism. Both systems enable predators in positions of power to suck the blood of the prey to stay alive.

Both systems are vampire systems and MUST be kicked out of Afrika. They are evil! Religion does not empower people. Religion disempowers people; making them wide open for exploitation by church and state (government).

It’s only when Afrikans study their history that they will know how and why they are in the mess they are in today to find solutions to fix it.

History is very, very important. The slave master knows that history liberates an oppressed people.  This is why they will never teach it. The slave master will only teach an oppressed people history of their enslavement but will never teach them about how their ancestors lived before slavery. This is in order to keep an oppressed people in a mental coma that benefits others enterprises.

However, when the oppressed people know who they are and rise up, it’s game over for the slave master. The slave master will end up being a slave to the slave he once enslaved.  This is the Europeans worst fear that those of whom they enslaved will become slave masters. No slave master wants such experience. No slave master wants to be a prey.

Religion does not liberate. Knowing your roots (your history) liberates. Afrikans, therefore MUST wake up from mental slavery and stop taking as gospel their history. Enough is enough.”  

“When Caucasians were languishing in the Caucasus Mountains, surrounded by ice, freezing to death, and feeding on raw meat (including their own children) to survive; did any God come down to save them? No!

When Europe was in the Dark Ages and Caveman era, before Afrikans civilized them, did any God come from the sky to save them. No! There was no God from the skies that saved Caucasians. Caucasians (Europeans) saved themselves. They took their destiny in their own hands and did what they had to do to “change their beastly conditions to prosperity and benefit their race.”

It’s not fair how Caucasians betrayed Afrikans who saved them by invading Afrika, murdering hundreds of millions of Afrikans, enslaving Afrikans, stealing and occupying Afrikan land and resources but such is life. That’s the beastly human nature for you.

There was no God from the skies that saved Europeans. The only physical God that saved Europeans and still do are Afrikans. But most Afrikans don’t know this. Afrikan labor, intellect, and resources are sustaining Western and European economies, while Afrikans live in poverty waiting for a White man to come save them.

Europeans will NEVER save Afrikans. NEVER. Arabs and Chinese won’t either. The Chinese are in Afrika for what they can get so they can take it back to China. The sooner Afrikans get this and start saving themselves, the better from them because no white Jesus is coming to save Afrika.” 
Hotep Light One Love
Priestess El Ahora Yah Asantewaa, aka
Apostle Rubie James

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Please e-mail Apostle Rubie James for other options. Thank you. with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support affirmations of 101Things I AM FREE! 101 THINGS I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. (click on photo or above link)

Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym   JEWELS PROPHET.  Review   and  purchase  her      e-Books and paperback at Amazon (click on Jewels Prophet) or the following links:


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Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Am I Raciest?

The Fraternal Matriarch and a mere few of  five generations.
During one of the security checks I make on the status of my accounts,  to keep track, document and correct  identity theft and hackers; I found a most false, disturbing and vindictive statement from an obvious hater and dweller of darkness.

The statement went something like: Apostle Rubie James is a raciest and uses these venues to promote racism referring to the blogs Preparing Mindsets for a Higher Truth and Revelation Today for the Nations.

This hater and false accuser perhaps if they had read some of my writings obviously took my words out of context. It is probable that they did not understand English, syntax or verbiage in addition to being ignorant to prophetic prose, euphemisms, history and truth.  At any rate, it was plain that this individual is a gutless coward who had not only not presented sustaining evidence of their assertion; but, went out of their way,  targeted the blogs to reduce the assimilation of truth and the effectiveness of the message of Restoration. You would think that one would find something better to do with their time other than to denigrate another human even if they did not agree with or understand what they said.

I have always asserted that I am Moorish (Black).  I was raised in the US during the 60’s where racism was more overt than and just as prevalent as it is today. Although, there were seemingly laws enacted that supposedly protected the basic civil rights of Blacks and earlier Amendments of arguments to the Constitution of the US that Blacks could possibly be considered as “free men”, there are still assertions that Africans and Blacks are 3/5ths human and inferior. This comes from the perpetuation and false beliefs that Blacks in America has had equal opportunities, special considerations and just as much equal opportunity as Whites and immigrants while all the time  the US continued a different form of slavery--industrialized unspoken slavery.

I was raised in a second generation family struggling with the educational, economical, sociological, physical, mental enslavement's and detriments as a result of the Transatlantic Slave Trade and Christianity.  However, my family hailed from England as free people. Our well to do fairer relatives, not knowing what to do with us, I assume, exported the darker ones of us to the US. This would be about the time of Queen Sophie Charlotte, the second Black Queen of England during the late 1700's early 1800's. I speak briefly of my lineage in my book The Walls We Build.

I speak of how my great aunts, uncles and cousins migrated from the French Sector of Louisiana and other parts of the South attempting to escape racism. I also speak of my maternal grandfather as a runaway slave who married a woman of mixed race (African/Indian). I speak of my fraternal grandmother who was French/Indian to me the majority of my life until her funeral when it was devolved that she was a White woman.  A White woman who married a moulito man of mixed races mainly Black and Choctaw.

My birth certificate says “colored”. Well, that Colored blood contributed to a variety of colors within my family.  I have two sisters and one brother of whom we used to tease that they were adopted because they looked White. As far as I Am aware, within my extended family, I have every race with the exception of Asian.   However, with the studies and research I’ve done over the years of learning  true history, particularly African History and so-called African American History; there is a very strong possibility that my eldest brother and I retained some of those genetic markers within our DNA as our eyes, when younger were slanted and would close to little slits when laughing. However, the dominate mitochondrial DNA was passed on to me of which I Am grateful for the chemical DNA traits.  I Am even more grateful for the royal divine DNA of my Seeding Parents from a few million years ago.

I would truly like to ask the person who wrote that false disparaging comment, what part of me do they consider raciest?

I have also asserted that I Am in Ghana, West Africa on a divine assignment of Restoration.  Drawn and protected by the Ancestors under tutelage of Spirit and an entourage of divine beings,   as  directed  by  the Most High Creator G-D.  Therefore, the messages that are channeled through this vehicle, although they are suitable for all Nations of people are concentrated towards Africans.

Why? Africans are the only nations of people who have had their identity, culture, spirituality, way of life and Ancestors snatched away, demonized and changed to suite their colonial captors and en-slavers.

Why? Simply because Africa was called “The Dark Continent” by Europeans and the West and it is considered and projected to the world  to be a third-world poor country of spearchuckers, greed and ignorance. Africa, along with Africans are intentionally, diabolically, greedily and raciestly kept in darkness of ignorance for purpose.

My job is to present truth that will not only break down the colonial/slave dysfunctions of forced servitude and of Western Religion of control and slavery; to change and prepare mindsets to receive truth, rebuild, reintroduce, reeducate and teach true history. I Am to teach our rich African History that we were forced to forget and told to let the past go; all  that  of which would restore Africans back to the Way of the Ancients of Days and ultimately freedom.

The message of Restoration will affect every aspect of one’s life.  Restoration involves a change in mindsets a shift in consciousness into this new energy.   More than a change in mindsets, this dispensation of Restoration in this shift of consciousness will ultimately awaken one bringing them into the knowledge of who they are and their purpose for being here on this earth. 

If, I seem raciest, if someone thinks that I make raciest statements, chances are they are either ignorant themselves, raciest or one of those controlling dark forces of the elite whose intent is to keep all humans in ignorance, particularly Africans as to who they are that they may continue to exploit and rape Africa in the name of a White Jesus and Christianity.

Now, if you see those last few words or any of my words raciest statements that is just too bad!  I know of no other way to say it without devaluing the message because it is truth! Restoration is real! Restoration has come! Therefore, if you are offended, you need to reassess your life, wake up and come into reality.

Hotep Light One Love
Priestess El Ahora Yah Asantewaa, aka
Apostle Rubie James

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Please e-mail Apostle Rubie James for other options. Thank you. with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support affirmations of 101Things I AM FREE! 101 THINGS I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. (click on photo or above link)

Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym   JEWELS PROPHET.  Review   and  purchase  her      e-Books and paperback at Amazon (click on Jewels Prophet) or the following links:


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Monday, June 18, 2018


JUNETEENTH 2018  ten year celebration in Cape Coast, Ghana. Some of the first of the Exodus of the Hebrew Israelites from the USA to Africa/Dimona  who settle in Ghana. The photo shows some of the participants of Diaspora, leaders and originators of Juneteenth,  PANAFEST and CRAAAG. Held in Elima at the beautiful seaside location of Mable's Table.

One of my Ghanian sisters asked me what is Juneteenth?

Juneteenth was the date that the Union Soldiers enforced the  Emancipation Proclamation in Texas that supposedly freed  the slaves marking the date when the slaves in other southern states found out they were free.

This was the origination of Watch Night Service or Cross Over Service that was soon  eased out, replaced and Whitewashed to celebrate the White mans cause of denigration of true history of slavery and to regain a sense of brainwashing and control with the 4th of July.

The Proclamation was originally signed on 1 January 1863. Most Southern states ignored the freedom the proclamation accorded the slaves.

19 June 1865 is when there was a stand in Texas by Union Soldiers to enforce the Proclamation.

I believe Mississippi did not acknowledge, as with some other Southern states a filing of papers by mandate of law until 2005 or 2007.

So basically Juneteenth is a combination of June nineteenth that celebrated unity and supposedly equal rights for the strong, skilled, worriors, royalty of those and their descendants who were forced into slavery.

Someone else asked when it was:

Juneteenth in Ghana is held every year in Cape Coast in June before PANAFEST.

Two awesome events to promote a common bond between those Africans of Diaspora and Africans in Ghana and around the world.

These events both promote tourism and many failed government promises of  reparation projects with ease that would receive Diasporas freely and altruistically  home who were taken away by force to the US and other countries.

We?  When I say we, I mean those of the original Diaspora, now termed as a Historically Unique Group (HUG).  This phrase was coined by His Grace, Rabbi Kohain Nathanyah HaLevi, Director of PANAFEST, Spiritual Adviser, political  Representative and Spokes Person for the Diaspora Pan African Coalition.  

HUG was the acronym adopted to differentiate those of Diaspora from those Ghanaians and Africans who left the Motherland on their own accord to other lands they felt was flowing with milk and honey. 

These Africans unfortunately took over the classifications and the identity of those African descendants who were violently removed  from the Motherland and sold into other lands as slaves. Anyways, I believe that Diasporas do more in Ghana than people are aware of. If they only knew they would respect us more and receive us as their sisters and brothers.

However, most listen to the White mans propaganda that cast us against each other, to mistrust one another, to steal and rob from us to dissuade us; to keep us from uniting; to keep Diasporas from educating Africans as to who they are; how important they are and how needy foreigners, the true Obroni are of Africa, Africans and Her resources.

On the flip side, they project a negative picture worldwide of poor, ignorant, greedy, corrupt, savages of Africa and Africans and a negative projection of Diasporas to Africans.

They are Afraid of us uniting and Africans finding out true history; the power of our Ancestors; our spiritual authority; the powers and the genius imbued within our DNA.

If Ghana, if Africa is to survive and be restored, "Beyond Her Former Beauty", Africans must honestly receive those of Diaspora.

We built countries all around the world. We built them with the skills our Ancestors gave to us. We took these skills and taught the European and Westerners how to build; we taught them how to farm; we taught them agriculture; all from forced slave labor. All of this and we are met with contempt when we return home to build our Motherland.

We have been drawn back home with more expert knowledge, hard experiences and perfected enhanced skills in every sphere.

We are your saviors. We are your redemption. We are your salvation. We were hand selected by the Ancients of Days to help restored Africa.

The choice is yours to receive or reject. The Most High will still love you. You will still have a host of divine beings surrounding you waiting. Only you will die not having experienced true heaven or fulfilling you life purpose.

Darkness is dying out. The light has come. Restoration in every aspect of life has come. Many of your prayers have  been answered all you have to do is believe and receive. SANKOFA!

                                                 with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support affirmations of 101Things I AM FREE! 101 THINGS I AM (click on photo or above link) Please e-mail  for other options. Thank you.

El Ahora, formerly Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym   JEWELS PROPHET.  Review   and  purchase  her      e-Books and paperback at Amazon (click on Jewels Prophet) or the following links:


Paperback available in Ghana
Information Page Ghana Locations 



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