Martyrdom is not Christ Thinking For
I get many requests
to pray for
people. As Apostles and Enlightened One's, we pray for people all of the time and
particularly those in the Household of Faith. Many perhaps, expect
more; a word of prophecy spoken in their life for the Will of G-D to be
done. However, the words I pray are for the will of G-D to be done
one’s life, whatever that might entail. Most often the prayer I pray
not always be conducive to that of which is expected. Nonetheless, we do
pray or release words ‘amiss’.
The requests that
grieve me most are
those who request prayer to get them out of a situation of which their
have caused. Many are not willing to recognize that it is they who created the very situation in their life, yet refuse to repent or change their thinking process to that of reality. They blame it on some fictitious outside entity who have the power to influence them called a devil. When in actuality it is the presence of dark forces they have allowed to control their thinking process, conjuring up evil within their own minds.
My pray for anyone will always be the same; that they come into the Will and knowledge of the Most High and their Life-Purpose. However, humans must come to the realization that their thoughts, words and actions have consequences. That is Divine Law! Every action has a reaction. Every thought and word becomes a reality in ones life that manifest that of which they think or have spoken and the results of what they do. Throw a ball in the air, it will come down! Divine Law plainly stated is “Whatsoever a man sows that shall he reap"! Period!
My pray for anyone will always be the same; that they come into the Will and knowledge of the Most High and their Life-Purpose. However, humans must come to the realization that their thoughts, words and actions have consequences. That is Divine Law! Every action has a reaction. Every thought and word becomes a reality in ones life that manifest that of which they think or have spoken and the results of what they do. Throw a ball in the air, it will come down! Divine Law plainly stated is “Whatsoever a man sows that shall he reap"! Period!
Therefore, when someone ask me to
pray, they should be aware that I will never interfere with what Spirit is
accomplishing within their life of which more than likely, they have invoke
the Spirit to do exactly what is going on with them.
Many Christians in other countries
have put themselves in unfavorable, dangerous and even life threatening
situations. Therefore, it is the obligation of the Enlightened Ones to offer Counseling
that will break down those dysfunctional mindsets of martyrdom.
Many Christians in Muslim areas
think and believe that they must stand up and proclaim "Jesus" in the
face of death. However, Scripture says "be as wise as a serpent and
harmless as a dove". It also says to "agree with thine
adversary quickly". We must without a doubt not aggravate a
situation we know there may be a violent outcome or encourage hostilities by thinking and proclaiming
what we think that we believe; by walking in a particularly way against the
grain of nature! Even nature teaches us that to back someone into a
corner that they will come out by any means necessary, at any cost to protect what
they believe and for self perservation!
It is foolish to lose one’s life or
put one’s life in danger for flaunting their beliefs, particularly in a place
where Christians know that they will be rejected! That is NOT
Christ-like! That is NOT of the One G-D. It is just plain outright ignorance!
Christians in the West and particularly in other Nations must be taught and must learn that “there are other sheep not of this fold” or that is to say there are those who are non-adherence to the Western Christian mindsets who are perhaps more knowledgeable and righteous than most Christians. Many are they who knows more about Christian history than Christians.
Christians in the West and particularly in other Nations must be taught and must learn that “there are other sheep not of this fold” or that is to say there are those who are non-adherence to the Western Christian mindsets who are perhaps more knowledgeable and righteous than most Christians. Many are they who knows more about Christian history than Christians.
While I do not condone violence from
anyone; I respect individuality and another’s right to believe as they will,
right or wrong. It is not for us to say! The Spirit judges every man
according to their deeds. G-D looks at the heart!
While I sympathize and empathize
with all people, we are all entitled to our beliefs but we are not entitled to
push or provoke our beliefs on others. We must honor others and the god within them. Our relationship is a personal one
and should be kept personal while dealing with the day to day principles of
life. Therefore, we should work out our own soul salvation and the Will
and Purpose for our own lives, in this case in our "closet" leaving
others alone!
It is NOT the responsibility of
everyone who becomes a Christian to make certain that others believe as they do
or to proclaim to others whatever they believe. That is a misconception
and often one of the many misinterpretations of the Bible that Christians
project! You make yourselves out to be judge and G-D over someone else life. That is blasphemy and shows others how ungodly one truly is.
We bring upon ourselves situations
and circumstances and we must therefore "reap whatever we sow"; We've
got to "pay the cost to be the boss"! That is a Divine Law that not
one of us can detour from without reaping the consequences. As certain as gravity exists, we each are held
culpable for our actions and every word that we speak.
This may be
difficult truths but
Christians now, particularly, those that reside in other countries where
find those who are intolerant to and reject the Western mindset of
Christianity, you need to get smart; you need to wise up; you need to
know that
if you throw that ball into the air that it will come down. Therefore,
you must
prepare not to get hit. Yet know that the ball is going to hit
something! Therefore, we all must be prepared to deal with the
consequences of our own actions.
Every action will have an outcome. This is a spiritual and physical Principle! This
is a spiritual battle not a physical or religious thing and that battle
is in
the mind.
Therefore, I release the Spirit of
Understanding, Wisdom and Truth and pray that people everywhere will come
into the knowledge of the “more perfect Way” of their higher self. Catch the Vision!
Apostle Rubie James

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