Sunday, March 30, 2014


PREPARING MINDSETS FOR A HIGHER TRUTH: Ancient Pathways: Divine Spirit told me, "Follow the paths of the Ancients" over 13 years ago...I still do not know exactly what that me...

Ancient Pathways

Divine Spirit told me, "Follow the paths of the Ancients" over 13 years ago...I still do not know exactly what that means, however, I can say that I am on my way and loving it! Their Rod and  Staff  comforts me!
Why is it that we sometimes feel that we must hold back on certain phrases, words and revelations because of what someone who does not understand the Process of Redemption may think? We sometimes think that we must explain or attempt to explain what the Divine Creator is doing in our life as we make the transition into another spiritual realm that we do not fully understand let alone can explain.  

Why can't we or should we not explain?  First of all Spiritual things are spiritually discerned!  Secondly,  because we have not experienced 'it' on that level yet!  I will continue to reiterate; one cannot tell something they do not know; give something they do not have; or teach/share what they have not experienced! 

I will never forget when I was guided into the Apostleship, my dear sister of whom was drawn to me to learn Truth, once I told her that my title was no longer Prophet but Apostle.  Her reply was, “You don’t know what you want to be”!    

However, to the contrary, I did and do know!  I know who I AM! I know who I was created and predestined to be and I walk daily with that one goal in mind--Restoration and Resurrection!   It is Spirit  who awakens the Infinite Divine within as one seeks direction and guidance.

It was because I had become acclimated to Western Christianity, that is what Divine Spirit used as a foundation to bring me into Truth!  Now that I have mastered the rudimentary  basics, 'types' and 'shadows' I can ascend into
Higher Truths to learn the   Mysteries of the Kingdoms. 

Divine Spirit deals with you right where you are. If you do not know what a vehicle is you cannot be taught how to drive until you have been taught about a vehicle. However, Divine Spirit has given me Divine Wisdom and Divine Counsel that I now have ability and capacity with initiative to follow my True Destiny! 

Therefore, I cannot apologize for knowing that Christianity was created as a tool of enslavement and to keep me from  my godly Inheritance and my true Destiny! 
I will not apologize for Divine Spirit freeing me from bondage and returning me on the pathway of being restored and resurrected into  queenship! 
I cannot apologize for Divine Spirit revealing unto me how the Europeans, Greeks, Romans and Christianity stole my rich legacy, plagiarizing and replacing it with inferior stigmatic teachings that blinded me to Truth!
This they have done because although they stole the Ancient Principles and holy objects demonizing them that we would not recognize us; they could not harness the power of my Ancestors and their control over me has been broken! 
As I learn terminologies and higher concepts and precepts I adjust accordingly.  Because I am pliable, Mother Sophia (Wisdom) guides me into all Truth! We learn truth--We grow!  This is how a mature one can tell where one is most often by the way they speak.  Are they speaking goo goo ga ga or are they  learning and forming syllables?  This is basic nature it does not take  prophetic discernment to know who is speaking baby talk or who is speaking grown-up talk.
Unless one knows who they are and why they are here and what they are here on this earth to do, they cannot be elevated or 'resurrected' into life! You are as the walking dead.  You are retarded. You are not FREE!
Many have said to me, I don’t understand what you are saying, well then, it is not for you to know! 

Do not expect that a mature one at whatever level they are will 'dumb-down' merely because you do not know the basics.
This is why many belonging to the Royal Nation are still in slavery; they do not even know the rudimentary basics of that of which holds them in slavery--Christianity; to know that there is more!
I have not been Called and my Metron is not to bring people into salvation teaching them the basics of phonics!  That is someone else's job. Although, I am capable but my job is to lead guide and direct those who have salvation or those who think that they have salvation into Redemption--Restoration--Renewal--Resurrection!
Many of us are so acclimated and enslaved to traditional Christianity that we poo poo any other way—the True Way!
We then become stagnated in our pride regurgitating the same old teachings over and over again. You are eating what the Beastly System is feeding that has no nutritional value towards your growth. Your growth has  become retarded.  You have become like Nebuchadnezzar dwelling as a beast in the field. 
Many quench, blaspheme and reject the Spirit thinking that they are rebuking a devil or demon.  How many of you know that the doctrine of demons and devils was intentionally imbued into our minds to keep a Nation of people with a slave mentality?
However, it is they who are pliable who can receive and act upon those thoughts Divine Spirit put into the mind.  This is why we were admonished to renew our mind and to put on the mind of a ‘Christ’--an anointed one!  Only spirit can touch Spirit! 

That renewal is under the auspices of Divine Spirit who brings us into what I call the “Christ-Principles” or Christ Consciousness or the Principles of Ma'at, which are all one and the same.  These Principles are needed and is what Divine Spirit uses to work out the reality of these Principles within our mind and spirit! Many reject Her because the beast within is warring against our Soul which is the Christ in us the hope of our glory!
Therefore, the Beast needs to be renewed in order to be united with Soul.  The Beast is the ‘Old Man’—the ‘unregenerate mind’—that stagnate mind—that retarded mind--That selfish mind which is the spirit that dwells within the heart of man.  Man is subject to the spirit that dwells within their mind and thought process.
Therefore, those who are evolving and ascending into various ‘heavenly’ realms, we must cultivate and nurture our own spirit allowing Light to flow through us that we may give birth to that we have been impregnated with.  Those of whom we are intended to help along their path will receive it in their due season.
Those of you who are ascending, don’t you dare think that you are the only ONE! Believe and know that there are many others.
If you are walking in the esoteric prophetic Divine Knowledge of the Ancestors, you won’t need to convince people and you will know that there are many others; you will know that there are many paved roads  for each of us to reach our unique and individual destination—Heaven! 

Hotep (Peace) Light One Love!   
 Apostle Rubie James
REVELATION TODAY for the Nations  
 Thank you for your gracious donations with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support 101Things I AM FREE! (click on photo)
Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym JEWELS PROPHET.  Review and purchase her books, 60% of revenue from sells goes to support MISSION GHANA.
CLAKImpressions is the number one online marketing agency in Ghana. 
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A member of the Galaxy Group
We highly recommend Clack Impressions as a very reputable and outstanding  scrupulous business of integrity.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

World-Wide Mystery in Los Lunas NM Best Kept Secret

It seems that this secret has been very well kept for decades…Why?

I lived in the small Town of Mountainair, NM for 5 years until my husband, at the time, retired from the Superintendency of the small school district of Mountainair.  

 It  is not until now that I have learned of this mysterious stone of Egyptian or Afrikan hieroglyphics. 

What does the stone, its inscription and location of the stone mean? Just how were or did historians  explain how a seventy ton boulder with Paleo (titled by some) Hebrew inscription appear on this mountain landscape in North America around 1000 B.C.?  

Why have they buried this Ancient Afrikan history in a shrouded Gospel of Greco-Roman compromises and rhetoric?

We were the only “Blacks” in this town with exception of the young Female Physician who occasionally came from Albuquerque to offer her medical services and one Black man.

Mountainair, although they chose a Black Superintendent  (after some fight, I was told) is perhaps the only place on earth that became known to me as a town where “Blacks” were not allowed to purchase property.  Mountainair’s population was made up of mostly Hispanics and Whites, one “Black” male that married a Hispanic who was the sole owner of their home.

Anyway, down the highway a few miles away was the Town of Las Lunas.  At the edge of Las Lunas is where the Valencia extension Campus of the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque was located.  I drove the distance a couple times a week.  This entire area of New Mexico was scattered with historical sites of temples and places of worship of the ancestors.  The locals  called the ruins ‘Kiva’. fact, my book The Walls We Build pictures the walls of one of these historical sites, Abo Mission  Convento Salinas Pueblo.
There were other Sites that we will NOT talk about, however. Know that the State of New Mexico is called  “The Land of Enchantment”. The Town of Mountainair was dubbed  “Gateway to the Ancient Cities”. 

To the North of Mountainair was Las Lunas.  North of Las Lunas was the famed Los Alamos Labs.  To the SE is Roswell; to  the South is White  Sands.  Other Towns of interest are  Carlsbad and too many others to name, just to give you an idea of the area and its significance for those who can “see”.
Now, to the Mystery!  We all know that humanity originated from the Afrikan Continent No matter how much historians, archeologist, scientist or religious people depict the Egyptians kings and queens or Hebrews as Caucasian, everyone knows that they were Afrikan or 'Black' and everyone is entitled to their beliefs. 

Now, how and when we all got here to the Americas is a history of deceit, misconceptions, error, debate, outright lies and differences in the telling of them!  Therefore, we will keep it concise and to the point!  

All people of Color came from Afrika.   In particular, we are targeting the original and true Moors; the Egyptians, Hebrews, Canaanites and/or Israelites
which if you believe the Biblical historical account; were “a mixed multitude” who came out of Egypt, Ma'at or Cush--Afrika.

The metaphorical story of Noah and the Ark show that Egyptians, as with all Afrikans  are descendents of Ham and Shem.  Therefore, one can only surmise who the descendants of Jepheth are.

The Mystery is, if historians are correct, how did the world's oldest surviving Inscription of the Ten Commandments get to Las Lunas, New Mexico? And why is this stone being kept a secret?

Does this mean that Christians in the Americas must rethink their beliefs?  Does it mean that we here in the West must recount our true history as a people in order to know who we are? Does it mean that we must free ourselves from the bondage and that of a slave mentality of which Christianity was based and build upon--violence, control and slavery?  Does this mean that  history; true Afrikan history has been purposely left untaught? 
Does it mean that we have become acclimated to a history that has been contrived, convoluted, demonized, plagiarized and changed so that Afrikans and Afrikan descendents are unable to recognize who they are?
The site, Hidden Mountain, a boulder that holds the Inscription of the Ten Commandments is located a few miles west of the small New-Mexican Village of  Los Lunas. The Inscription is carved into the flat face of the boulder. 

The Site is called by the locals  the Hidden Mountain. The local Indians told landowner at the time, Franz Huning, in 1871, that the Inscribed bolder  predated their tribes coming to the area.  What does this actually mean? That answer each of us must search for ourselves. However, all evidence points to the fact that the American Indians were not the first inhabitants of the Americas and neither did Columbus discover America!

People have been and are  aware of the Inscription on the boulder since New Mexico became a territory in 1850. However, no one could read  the Inscription.  The Inscription could not be read because there were no new Americans  who were learned in hieroglyphics,  Old or Paleol-Hebrew, Aramaic, Canaanite  or the Phoenician alphabet.  
It was not until a century later, in 1949, Robert H. Pfeiffer of the Harvard University translated the writings on stone.  Could it be  that the inscribers mimicked or retold the story of Moshe or the Exodus and copied the hearing of it on stone just like Moses had been purported to do?

Pfeiffe was noted to be  an authority on the Old Testament  or the Hebrew Scriptures of the Bible.  Keep in mind, that the Bible as we know it here in the West was not only written many years later from verbal accounts and stories; it has gone through a succession of translations and mistranslations from the original Old Hebrew and Aramaic from Egyptian Stele or Scrolls.  Prior to being translated into  the Vulgate  then  re-transliterated into  Greek then Old English--the Bible. 

Now, mind you that these modern-day scholars had to also learn these ancient languages, which themselves had evolved over the years. Many of these scholars differed as to historical facts, idioms and phrases. Therefore, the Scriptures and the Bible as we know them, are not the same as the original writings however, a facsimile of those writings and contrived one at that.

Only some of these writings were ‘Canonized’ or written to form the Bible.  The Bible  gives us basic principles, allegorical and metaphorical moral stories to guide us into Truth that established the norms of societies values and conduct.  Most historical significance as far as customs and traditions of an ancient Afrikan Moors, Egyptians and Hebrew people were not included in the Bible and were most often overlooked, misunderstood, mistranslated or glazed over.

My studies recently uncovered the major source historians and archeologist used to authenticate the Scriptures and the Bible. The source of these authentications came from ancient Egyptian inscriptions or hieroglyphics; in particular, the Merneptah Stele and what many erreneously call "The Book of the Dead". If they understood the Mysteries of the Ancestors, they would have called the Scrolls more appropriately The Book of the Living! 

Egyptian hieroglyphs or ‘mdw.w-ntr’ transcribed as god’s words, were used by the Ancient Egyptian Priests to chronicle history and to write religious literature.  

The Merneptah Stele was  written in 1208BC and experts used the Stele to predate the history and evolution of Judaism and Christianity. The so-called New Testament was written from 35AD to 100AD. I write about the Merneptah Stele in Before Abraham Was I AM


Another Ancient and most vitally important spiritual work, the Pypuras of Ani, inappropriately called the Book of the Dead is also a very important source of plagiarized and excerpted data by the Greeks and Romans.

Pfeiffe concluded that the Inscription on the boulder was a copy of the Ten Commandments. He thought that the inscription was written in the Phoenician, the Moabite (Egyptian), and the Greek languages.

However, Professor Pfeiffer did not say who he thought carved the message.  Therefore  the site has been called by some of the locals the Phoenician Inscription Rock but has since been called the "Ten Commandments Rock".

Some  who has studied the Rock has considered it to be an Inscription from a member of one of the so-called "lost tribes of Israel". (I say so-called merely because they are not lost but itentionally written out of history.) While others have expressed the thought that it contains some Mormon history of the Nephthys (Egyptian Priestesses). Others say the writings are not of Egyptian (Afrikan) origin. 

How these so-called experts come to a consensus that the writings were not written in a “reformed Egyptian” language, when all archeological and historical facts points back to Ancient Egypt-Afrika and  the ‘fraction’ or dissenting of a 'mixed multitude' being freed from so-called bondage from Egypt; into Canaan Land, eludes  this novice scholar!  Particularly, when the Biblical account of the story of the  “Exodus” supports  "A mixed multitude" within the Nation of Hebrews coming out of Egypt!  

As made-up and tailored as the story has been told, it still collaborates and attests to the fact that the Hebrews came out of Egypt-Afrika.  When you know who you are and where you came from, you can Celebrate You!

None the less, many modern scholars now seem to agree that the Rock Inscription is indeed an abridged version of the Decalogue or Ten Commandments.

Professor Frank Hibben, a local New Mexican historian and retired archaeologist from the University of New Mexico is convinced that the inscription is ancient and authentic.

For the complete story and more photos see one of my  references of study: The Los Lunas Decalogue Stone


Hotep  Light One Love!   
 Apostle Rubie James
REVELATION TODAY for the Nations  
 Thank you for your gracious donations with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support 101Things I AM FREE! (click on photo)
Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym JEWELS PROPHET.  Review and purchase her books, 60% of revenue from sells goes to support MISSION GHANA.
CLAKImpressions is the number one online marketing agency in Ghana. 
(Click on above Clakimpressions Logo)
A member of the Galaxy Group
We highly recommend Clack Impressions as a very reputable and outstanding  scrupulous business of integrity.