Monday, September 30, 2013

PREPARING MINDSETS FOR A HIGHER TRUTH: Rid Ourselves of the Damn Cursed Thing!

PREPARING MINDSETS FOR A HIGHER TRUTH: Rid Ourselves of the Damn Cursed Thing!: Oh Darn!  Here comes that cursed "R" word again! Racism must be dealt with head on if people are to learn their racial tendencies; what constitutes racism and eliminate biased statements and acts. So why not just rid ourselves of the damn cursed thing?


PREPARING MINDSETS FOR A HIGHER TRUTH: THY KINGDOM COME: If we attempt to dissect Truth and Revelation from where we are, trying to fit an old thought into a new concept or revelation, one will become totally bewildered and that Truth becomes reduced to mere words. Our beliefs and actions should be correct and appropriate in pliability to the Higher Divine Way or...

Wealth & Riches

We all know that our life has purpose.  I will forever move towards my Life Purpose.  I work with that one goal in mind!  I have without a doubt applied each and every Principle that has been revealed to me into my life as they become a reality in my life. This is why I am confident to share with others.

I AM affluent, prosperous, successful and rich beyond measure.  Many times we stifle our success when we equate affluence, prosperity and success with wealth and riches. We can live successfully in a state of prosperity and abundance that propels us into wealth and riches.  

We are a prosperous People! We are affluent!  We all have ability to tap into that abundant supply of Universal Divine Mind or that Divine flow of Energy (or Spirit).  This Divine Energy is what directs our thoughts and actions towards a successful state of thriving circumstances that reaps wealth and riches.

Know that we live in a state of abundance and it is only a matter of time before wealth and riches become manifest in the physical realm.  First come the spiritual, then the physical.  Spirituality brings into one’s life divine characteristics and a divine knowledge that if implemented will bring wealth and riches.  “Seek first the Kingdom and all these things will be added to you”.  The Kingdom is within!  The Kingdom is prosperity!  The Kingdom is affluence!  The Kingdom is success!  The Kingdom is wealth and riches!

How do you measure wealth? What is wealth and riches without peace, joy and happiness?  You are successful!  Success brings wealth and riches.  Success is never about your resources but about your resourcefulness!  

Neither is success a gauge for wealth or riches, it is your resourcefulness that rules.  Therefore, do not allow the fact that you do not have something or that you lack the know how to do something dictate your feature.  Learn how to do it!  Work out a plan and plan out the work!

Many of us believe that we need to have a lot of cash, the right connections, a college degree and/or an investor before we even  begin to THINK about making our dreams become a reality.  Without a doubt those things would certainly make the road a bit easier to travel.  However, I say dream big; think big because dreams do come true!  Our thoughts do become things! 

So, “write the Vision and make it plain.  It will hasten towards its goal, it will not delay”!  Know that you can accomplish your goals! Catch the Vision! 

Shalom Blessings One Love! 

Catch the PAHAD Collection (available in most Countries and Territories through AMAZON or the E-Book Series 101 e-Books by Jewels Prophet available at Smashwords and all major e-book retailers.  Please support this book ministry.  A percentage of proceeds from sells goes to support other ministries.
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Author Jewels Prophet on Amazon

Friday, September 27, 2013


THE WALLS WE BUILD: THE WALLS WE BUILD BOOK: The Walls We Build describes dysfunctional barriers that protect emotional well-being.    It is the story of a young child having undergone the traumatic experience of rape while her inherent gift allowed her to block the infringement from her subconscious memory.

Thursday, September 26, 2013


"They worshiped the dragon because he gave authority to the beast. And they worshiped the beast, saying, "Who is like the...

They Worship the Beast

"They worshiped the dragon because he gave authority to the beast. And they worshiped the beast, saying, "Who is like the beast? Who is able to wage war against him?"

I went to the Clackamas County Court House in the County where I reside for a second time. This time was to provide additional documentation because, in the words of the Clerk, “It doesn’t make any sense”! The young lady could not understand a son taking care of his mother. 
 After her statements of insisting that my son, the Apostle, who provides for his mother and pays all the bills in a place where he does not reside; and stating again that ‘it did not make sense' to her. I let her know that I did not like her tone or insinuating attitude toward me that I was lying and her alluding  to our lives do not make sense! The way we believe does not make sense! She was totally unaware that she was attacking and questioning me and my son’s integrity. 
Once I got a bit perturbed, she proceeded to tell me to just go have a seat until I cool down. Well, if you know me, I ignored her flippant juvenile, unprofessional demeanor and statement, I proceeded to let her know that she was disrespecting me and had no right talking to me the way that she did. 
I somehow managed to maintain my cool as I stood my ground.

I have heard comments and read posts concerning how Christians are being treated in other Countries. I do not want to turn this  into a Christian thing  nor am I making this a religious thing. I am merely pointing out the abusive behavior of a beastly System of peoples who because of their sinister nature attempts to 'flip a script' on the Righteous One's. 
I truly believe that we are living in the time described in the Bible as the Great Tribulation. People everywhere are feeling the wrath of the 'Beastly' and antichrist mindsets

Religious leaders who are hell bent on last day fairytale exposes, need to come to the realization that this is a spiritual thing!  People need to be taught the true nature of the Beast! 
 It is a System not a fairytale dragon or a devil in a red suite but the unregenerate nature of the beast within the minds and heart of mankind! 
Here is the USA we are still accorded not only due process but murder is punishable to the full extent of the law. However, here in the Land of the Free, we still must contend with the unregenerate mindset of a Beastly System and those who work within it! 

Therefore, be as wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove. However, we must never back down from what is right, just and fair. No matter the outcome.Catch the Vision!

Shalom Blessings One Love! 

Catch the PAHAD Collection (available in most Countries and Territories through AMAZON or the E-Book Series 101 e-Books by Jewels Prophet available at Smashwords and all major e-book retailers.  Please support this book ministry.  A percentage of proceeds from sells goes to support other ministries.
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Author Jewels Prophet on Amazon

Sunday, September 22, 2013

The War Within

I woke up this morning with these words in my mind: “The words spoken by the Prophets are most often sorrowful but meant to cause friction between the flesh and soul.” 

Today, we find many releasing heresies and words from their own heart, which stifles and causes growth to be retarded in many. In the days of old and even now, one cannot minister before the Holy One if there is a defect. 

This is what the Apostle Paul talked about, “the internal war”. 

The Soul is forever attempting to get us to “remember” who we were and who we were created to be. This creates friction within us. However, we must recognize that this ‘friction’ or war within is designed to draw us into deeper contemplation that our spirit may be able to distinguish what is truth. These thoughts most often given by Divine Spirit are instructive to our spirit and cause our spirit to be reunited with soul. Therefore, we must think outside the box. Catch the Vision! 

For further reading, I recommend Soul 101

Shalom Blessings One Love! 

Catch the PAHAD Collection (available in most Countries and Territories through AMAZON or the E-Book Series 101 e-Books by Jewels Prophet available at Smashwords and all major e-book retailers.  Please support this book ministry.  A percentage of proceeds from sells goes to support other ministries.
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Author Jewels Prophet on Amazon

Saturday, September 21, 2013


The 2013 Harvest Moon for the Northern Hemisphere comes a few days before the equinox this year, on the nights of September 18-20.  In contrast, the Feast of Tabernacles began at sunset the 19 (20)  of September through the 25th of September 5-days after the Days of Awe.
I certainly do not try to make or equate everything with religion.  Those who know me and have read my writings know that to the contrary.  However, you may also know that, to me, there is no separation in Science and Spirituality or the Laws of the Universe and that Divine Energy many call G-D.
G-D is ALL!  One cannot separate gravity from gravity or the Laws of Gravity!  Gravity just is!  G-D or Energy and Matter just is!

So, those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, if you look at the moon tonight it will be waning.  However, for those of you in the Eastern Hemisphere, you will be witnessing the intensity and brightness of the Harvest Moon as we did in the Western Hemisphere tonight and a few nights ago--when the moon is closest to the autumnal equinox.  

Although the Harvest Moon looks bigger than any other moons, it is not really bigger, brighter or more pumpkin-colored than usual. However, it’s special because, at this time of year in the Northern Hemisphere the   time between one night to the next is shorter than usual.

Could this be an attestation and a sign of the Holy Convocations that were inaugurated for this time of the year?  That the Creator truly wants to get closer to mankind?  Softly shinning light upon us, as a peacock fans the brilliance of his greenish, iridescent tail plumage when he is wooing the females? 

Could it be that we are being wooed by the brilliance of this rare moon to come closer; that the Creator of all the Earth truly wants to “Tabernacle” within?  That mankind is meant to be “Ingathered” or assembled as a fully matured “harvest”? To come into the effulgence of Divine Light that we may shine with the brilliance of Spirit that dwells within and that surrounds us; to bring forth fruits worthy of a sacrificial offering?

There is purpose for and to everything.  For us not to acknowledge this and our Life-Purpose is to deny the Divinity of  the Creator.  It is to say that mankind was left to our own devices and therefore there is no purpose to life here on earth. 

The holiday of Sukkot or Tabernacles or Ingathering are to reap  the blessing of the Creators provisions and care that comes to all of mankind.

It is time to break free and get out of the box!

Me, well, I have been outside the box for a long time. Yes, it is a lonely place to be.  However, if you will fulfill your destiny; if you will walk into redemption into your Life-Purpose, it will necessitate stepping outside normalcy into spirituality.  It’s a spiritual thing!  The Spirit works out the process of that which has been revealed to each of us.

At each level there is a working and growth process.  If one does not step outside the box they will stagnate and die going through life as a walking dead wishing, at their time of the end, now that they can see clearer, wish that they would have done more; lived more; loved more.

Each day for me is new.  I am not saying that I ‘get it’ right away, even we Apostles continue to go through a process.  But what I am saying is that I continue to allow Spirit to stretch me, to take me where my spirit-man has not gone before.

Step outside that box and allow Spirit to bring you into this dispensation of a New Tabernacle, into a New Harvest;  into new concepts; into new ideas, thoughts and mind; into new prospects of an abundant life as a Christ (anointed one)!  Indeed, it is only through the Christ Principles that we become New that we can enter into our Promised Land. Catch the Vision!
Apostle Rubie James

Shalom Blessings One Love! 

Catch the PAHAD Collection (available in most Countries and Territories through AMAZON or the E-Book Series 101 e-Books by Jewels Prophet available at Smashwords and all major e-book retailers.  Please support this book ministry.  A percentage of proceeds from sells goes to support other ministries.
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Author Jewels Prophet on Amazon

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Have you ever searched for your keys only to find they have been in plain sight all the time?  Have you ever searched for your glasses to find that they are resting on your head or perhaps around your neck? So it is when searching for enlightenment...


PREPARING MINDSETS FOR A HIGHER TRUTH: LET THIS MIND BE: G-D was not centered in Christ.  According to theology and the Bible, G-D was the Christman; the Firstborn among many! Christ was centered in G-D!  Therefore, when we center our consciousness--our mind in G-D or G-D Consciousness...


PREPARING MINDSETS FOR A HIGHER TRUTH: CHECK UP FROM THE NECK UP: Our minds are channels of enlightenment!  The Creator G-D and us as co-creators to manifest Light.  If we focus on our thoughts; on the source within, allowing creativity to flow from that Divine Light that is within, creativity will manifest in a variety of unique ways


PREPARING MINDSETS FOR A HIGHER TRUTH: THY KINGDOM COME: If we attempt to dissect Truth and Revelation from where we are, trying to fit an old thought into a new concept or revelation, one will become totally bewildered and that Truth becomes reduced to mere words. Our beliefs and actions should be correct and appropriate in pliability to the Higher Divine Way


PREPARING MINDSETS FOR A HIGHER TRUTH: HERE BY DESIGN:Life is the process of rediscovery of who we are.  When we reassess or change our thought process and how we see the world and those around us we invite change.  Once we change our perception we will receive clarity.  Therefore, we can  concern ourselves  and focus on the things that truly matters in helping us to come into our Life-Purpose and that promised abundant life!


“As a man thinks within his heart so is he” is the same as saying that ‘Thoughts become Things’.  Our thoughts become the essence of our life!  Thus, the Apostle Paul’s admonitions to “Put on the Mind of (a) Christ”.  If we do not have the Mind of a Christ (an anointed one), we have the mind of antichrist!  Our Divine Creator produced Balance!  Without darkness there can be no light. It is like the old ‘cave’ thing.  One is unable to identify with light when dwelling in darkness and never see or come into light.  One dwells in error or Truth!

We create illusions within our own mind with our thoughts of the way things should be or how we want them to be or how we were taught they should be.  Therefore, if we never venture pass that we know or pass our old thoughts, we create false impressions and fantasy. 

These illusions are based on the ‘traditions of men’, false religiosity and erroneous teachings  as we ignore Truth of the metaphorical lessons that has been redefined, mistranslated and misinterpreted in a book called the Bible and Scriptures.  We, therefore, become stuck by eating of the forbidden fruit of the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil” without understanding our spiritual self (spirit & soul) or the “Mysteries of the Kingdom of G-D” (the esoteric & prophetic, which is Spirit).  Therefore, many ignore the Divine Principles that will work out according to our thoughts and understanding, which manifest the effects of our life. Simply put, cause and effect and the Law of Attraction.

When we understand that we are spiritual beings in a physical world; created in the Image and Likeness of our Creator, we come to a place that we can be free from illusions.

When we become free  by knowing and experiencing Truth beyond that we know or  that of which we think  we know, we become free and can grasp reality, which is Truth!

We then can be Transformed and Restored to that Heavenly Place to rediscover our True Power and Oneness with the Divine Universal Creator, as a Christ (anointed one)!
Catch the Vision

Hotep Light One Love!
Apostle Rubie James with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support 101Things I AM FREE! 101 THINGS I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. (click on photo or above link)

Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym JEWELS PROPHET.  Review and purchase her e-Books and paperback at Amazon (click on Jewels Prophet) or the following links:


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