Wednesday, January 23, 2019

kettle Italy Calling Pot France Black

THE POT CALLING THE KETTLE BLACK. But compare Italy to France colonial/economic stronghold in Africa, Italy have a very small portion.

Are Italy's concerns truly altruistic or is it jealousy?

African leaders, what are you doing in regards to both? Not France or Italy alone but the new threats to Africa's economy: the USA, China and India? Let's not forget Britain. Portugal, Belgium, Spain and Germany. No wonder African leaders seems to be confused and discombobulated.  However, no excuse to continue to allow foreign pimps to come in and prostitute Mother Africa.

Kettle Italy seems to be blowing off some steam as they accuse France of prostituting Africans a Africa of Her resources that supports Pimp-Daddy France's economy.  

Perhaps it is merely that Little Pimp-Daddy Kettle Italy does not have such a huge stronghold or influence on  the worlds oldest profession of pimping Africans and stealing Africa's resources; that keeps Her legs gaped for penetration of every "Tom, Dick or foreign Harry's; that contribute to Her colonial/economic demise as France and Britain has in the Rape of Africa.

I just cannot get over this one.  What in the world could Italy be thinking?  Have they all of a sudden became repentant over how they have pimped Africa, coveted Ethopia and still have an open slave trade, human trafficking and murder of Africans in Lybia right now as we speak?  

France has summoned Italy's ambassador after the Italian deputy prime minister accused the French of exploiting Africa and fueling migration. Would that be unwanted Africans coming into France adding color to their populace? Would that be why the grants were closed to Africa to help African returnees from the hell-hole from Lybia but was granted to France?  No, neither France nor the West are  guiltless in the rape of Africa.

Luigi di Maio called on the European Union to impose sanctions on France for its policies in Africa. He said France had "never stopped colonizing tens of African states". OMG, someone, please tell me what country has? You all want to offer your empty apologies, however, have not taken one step towards paying Reparations. Your apologies are worthless. Or did you personally pay off African Leaders into a wealthy deal of silent retreat hoping that once and for all that Reparations "thorn in the side" is finally buried never to be mentioned again?  While the entire world wonders Why Africa Is Poor.

Italy's populist leadership has repeatedly clashed with France in recent months, on issues such as migration, protests and culture in the BBC News article: France Summons Italian Envoy Over Africa Remark.

Italy was one of the European countries with colonies in Africa. From 1890 to today.  Present day Italian colonialism in Africa includes Libya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Somalia. 

According to, Italian colonialism in Africa came to an end with the death of the Italian leader Benito Mussolini; the collapse of the Fascist regime; and, the defeat of Italy in World War II. 

However, Italian colonialism, just as all countries who came taking 'booty' (I use that term loosely) have long-term effects on attitudes towards race and racism in both Italy and its colonies, as well as throughout the African Continent.

Italian colonization of Africa took place during the same period as other European colonizations in Africa. None the less, Italy's History in Africa is a Messy Affair.

The Italian colonial policy was similar to that of other colonizing powers, however differed slightly, in that it was premised more on enhancing the glory and prestige of Italy, rather than on the economic benefits they gained. 

Italian colonialism was not focused on religious conversions of Africans to Christianity for mind control but imperialism that was later shaped by Fascist doctrines of governance.  This affected methods of administration and treatment of the  African.

So, then what is the solution?  Yawll all know!
However, I want to remind even the Atheist or Agnostic, otherwise those who dwells in the Dark energies of hate and greed who lack integrity, you must make restitution!  Reparations is a must!  You must return all that you have stolen!

The Ancients of Days who has guarded and protected Africans for over 6000 years, in particularly, the last 400 years are requiring an accounting from all who took part in enslaving a Chosen People.

Hotep Light One Love
Priestess El Ahora Yah Asantewaa, aka
Apostle Rubie James
REVELATION TODAY for the Nations  


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Please e-mail Apostle Rubie James for other options. Thank you. with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support affirmations of 101Things I AM FREE! 101 THINGS I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. (click on photo or above link)

Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym   JEWELS PROPHET.  Review   and  purchase  her      e-Books and paperback at Amazon (click on Jewels Prophet) or the following links:


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Information Page Ghana Locations 
233 Country Code 
050 076 2315
050 314 4527




Sunday, January 20, 2019

I Am Afraid For Africa

From the wall of Dzifa Torvikey

Padmore Agbemabiese writes: "We should think critically about this....

A friend of mine told me recently,'I'm afraid for Africa'.

She is a white female of  European descent. She speaks very little, but she knows so much about the untold plans regarding the Continent.

Anyone with any sense of survival, would agree with her statement.

Me too, I'm afraid for Africa.

For the Europeans, the Indians, the Chinese, the Lebanese, the Jews, etc, Africa is a continent for the taking.

They literally want and dream of taking the Continent, make it their own conquered territory, preferably without the Africans themselves. Just their plans to do so differs.

They know that it's possible to take over a continent, literally kill the locals, import their own surplus population into Africa, and run the place.

Five centuries ago, there was no single white person in America. Today the whole continent belongs to Europe, and is ran by the descendants of Europeans. The locals, native Americans have vanished from history books and the land.

What happened in America, could happen again, and this time Africa is the target: a weak continent, with weak and easily corruptible leaders. The people themselves are already psychologically brainwashed to believe everything from  a European is the best

Five centuries is nothing, so if it'll take just that long to take over Africa, kill the Africans by fake vaccines, poisoned food, and own the continent, these people have a plan to take over Africa through deceptive means.

Everyone, except Africans, know what is going on.

Some Africans  have a feeling of what is going on, but like the frog in a slow warming water, Africans are deeply asleep to the urgency of activating their survival instinct. They are all about bread and butter .

All over Africa, in Accra for example, there are Burger Kings, KFCs, McDonalds etc which are all declared junk goods located in poor neighborhoods, but Ghanaians clamor over these as God sent whiteman's food to raise their status to the advanced world.

To keep it brief, for the long list of nations who want to take over the Continent, they see Africa as the last part of the earth where there are still black people. This hidden agenda tantamount to hegemony or ethnic cleansing  are equivalent to what happened to many communities of the world. 

Unless our African leaders are not awakened from sleep, we will soon have Soweto revisited again."

Cry For Beloved Africa
Hotep Light One Love
Priestess El Ahora Yah Asantewaa, aka
Apostle Rubie James

Download your free copy of positive affirmations of 101 Things I AM below
Document your respect for this Word. Your financial gifts of support are needed to keep this channel on line.                    
                                         THANK YOU 
MTN Mobile Money Ghana is also available: (233) 0243 283 616
Please e-mail Apostle Rubie James for other options. Thank you. with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support affirmations of 101Things I AM FREE! 101 THINGS I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. (click on photo or above link)

Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym   JEWELS PROPHET.  Review   and  purchase  her      e-Books and paperback at Amazon (click on Jewels Prophet) or the following links:


Paperback available in Ghana
Information Page Ghana Locations 
233 Country Code 
050 076 2315
050 314 4527




Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Troubled Vision For The Year of Return

Sleep continues to elude me as I see partial dreams and incomplete visions of foul play, dishonesty, lack of integrity, greed and a false prejudged concept of Diaspora descendants of the Transatlantic Slave Trade by Africans.  My daily experiences in Ghana attest to those disparagements.

I have found that the average mindsets of the African are thoroughly saturated with colonization/slave dysfunctions of control to that worse than in the US. Not only do   Africans not know their rich history, they do not know the history of neither the Diaspora nor their accomplishments but merely see us as privileged Oburonis and their ‘cash cow’.  

Many are oblivious to how those of Diaspora have fought to regain our heritage, nationality and uniqueness as African descendants in a foreign raciest land. Africans have turned their backs on the Ancestors and African Spirituality for a slave religion of confusion and bondage. Yet, most see themselves as a free people.  However, many cannot see that all that they were; that their  way of life, the constitutions of the Ancestors were broken down; their culture was altered and replaced by their Britishcolonizers and a Western slave religion was built upon the ruins that left only those essentials of the pennants of the culture that identifies them as African.

According to a report from Ghana Health Services, forty-two percent of Ghanaians have some type of psychological disorder; 32.4% of Ghanaians live with a mental disease, while 13 percent have mental disabilities. What does this have to do with the Year of Return?  Everything.

It explains the troubled mindsets of those Ghanaians, how their religion and politics play a large portion keeping Ghanaians in darkness and chaos with petty mind controlling issues that has never been  dealt with. In the richest Continent in the World, Africans live in squalor, poverty and lack.  The schools are inadequate unsafe, unhealthful/unsanitary; dilapidated, unmaintained structures with urnals/squats, open sewers, and lawlessness prevail.

The majority of Diasporas, particularly those who have repatriated to the Motherland are totally aware of how Ghanaians/Africans treat those of Diaspora, yet they attempt to help Ghanaians as they desperately try to become included in the African communities as easily and less problematic as possible without producing waves or going against the status quo.  Although they know they are being taking unfair advantage of; they recognize the mental deficiencies, the insatiable greed for money and the reluctance of law and government officials to accommodate valid complaints.  

Many Diasporas remain silent and perhaps for good cause. The general consensus of injustices and perhaps a fear of backlash from Ghanaians in positions of power welding a big stick of autocracy, siding with fellow Ghanaians whether right or wrong, has caused some to withdraw into seclusion.  If they were lucky enough to purchase land  without having to pay for it two or three times from multiple family members looking to make a few more Cedis, to build a home on land of which they will never own, they  have freed themselves from greedy, unjust lawless landlords. However, must still deal with dysfunctional  and disorganized entities, royalty, vendors, taxis and people from all walks of life they must adjust to.   

These detriments along with the belief in the false propaganda perpetuated from the West  in regards of the Diaspora are designed to cause distrust of Diasporas;  to effect division, petty jealousies and hatred has been the major rift to promote these injustices.  Just as the freed slaves took care not to go against ‘Mr. Charlie’ merely wanting to live in peace and acceptance that never came.  We of Diaspora had to fight for the little freedoms we got in the US, and then we come home and must fight with our sisters and brothers for what is rightfully our inheritance. 

Every Diaspora I know, has sponsored students and schools and spend within the communities of which they live. Every Diaspora I know has contributed to building up communities. Every Diaspora I know has experienced some type of indiscretion  and ill treatment at the hands of a Ghanaian. Some have died having not received justice. We all support and patronize local vendors who rub their hands together when they see us coming; therefore, the cost of the inferior product usually goes up.  We all pay taxes. We are perpetual targets of theft and fraud worse than Ghanaians.  We have no recourse or protection from the authorities and must keep our guards up at all times.  

At government hospitals, we are charged three times more than a Ghanaian.  As one would expect, the way we are treated in the States is an indication of the treatment received from the US Embassy. Those who are financially blessed perhaps agree to conditions of government red tape, gouging, colonial and tribal ignorance’s that supersede the raciest restraints, lawful protections (such as it is) and injustices one would experience in the United States trying to live as a “Black” man to set up  a business. Yet, setting up a business in the States is easier because of set guidelines and consumer protection agencies, etc.  

We all pay hiked up fees just to live in our homeland. And most often fines because perhaps a worker missed something or there is no official operations manual that would give one the consistency needed to reduce the amount of financial traps implemented at someone’s whim.

I reference the United States because this is where I was raised; in a raciest country of people who merely tolerated us simply because they used us to build the country; they plagiarized and used  our advanced technology; the teachings of our Ancestors and many stolen inventions  from us that was used as a means to outsource our usefulness.  

The Constitution of the United States never accorded us US Citizenship, freedom or inclusion. Pretty much like Ghana and other African countries controlled by outdated British Colonialism, in particularly, the outdated Immigration Laws.  They have no place for us and are at a loss as to what to do with us.  Why that should even be a consideration, since we are Africans is preposterous, raciest and unjust. Why Ghana or Africa should have to Gear Up to be morally correct to receive those of Diaspora is just mind blowing. 

The Diaspora becomes objects of injustices and rejection in Africa and remains subjects of industrialized slavery of the Corporation of America just as our parents and our indigenous Ancestors.   We cannot be deported, neither will they make Reparations.  So the so-called Black, African American, Negro, Hebrew, Moor, Diaspora or whatever name they call us or we call ourselves, for the most part, just as the African, we remain  royal chosen nations of people ignorant to our identity and godly inheritance by design. 

We remain slaves in a perpetual 400 year bondage prophesied in Torah and the books of the Prophets.  This prophetic bondage continues through the year 2018. Therefore, we have continued on tangents trying to be “equal”.  EQUAL TO WHAT?  EQUAL TO WHOM?

The year 2019 is sure to bring a change and marks the end of 400 years of bondage.  “For 400 years your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own, and they will be enslaved and mistreated.”   Sounds like the AmeriKKK I came from.

However, this Year of Return adopted by Ghana under the Administration of His Excellency Nanna Addo has become troublesome as Ghana appears to have a lack of understanding of the spiritual significance; prophetic fulfillment and their inhumane treatment and intolerance towards those of Diaspora, seeing only dollar signs and increased tourism, the spiritual concepts has been lost.  

Africa is the inheritance of those of Diaspora. Africa is our Promised Land!  Africa is spiritual Israel!  The Diaspora are  they who the bible speaks of, “I will say to the north, ‘Give them up!’ And to the South do not hold them back.’  Bring My sons from afar and My daughters from the distant corners of the earth; everyone who is called by My Name. Lead out those who have eyes but are blind…Gather the nations together”.  Thus, the Divine Mandate conferred upon the Diaspora, each in our own Order, Course and Metron.

Repatriation, for those of Diaspora, to Ghana/Africa is a god-given right!  IT IS A PROPHETIC FULFULLMENT! The initiation of the Year of Return by President Addo is not an accident or by happenstance.  The prosperity and restoration of Ghana and ultimately the African Continent rests on how these Heirs of Promise from all around the world are received in Ghana with the message and talents they bring.

Why is Ghana the target?  Ghana is the hub of the beginning of Restoration for the entire Continent.  G-D said, “Africa will be restored beyond Her former beauty and it will start in Ghana, having the domino effect throughout the continent and the world.  Now, Ghana, Africa, yawl can play with that if you want.

The time for playing; the unjust immigration practices; the injustices; the biased treatments; the lawlessness against this Historically Unique Group of returnees must come to an end! The excuse used “That’s Ghana for you” or “Your in Ghana” is no longer acceptable, plausible or pliable.  

The Divine Mandate cannot be trifled with. The Vision will be fulfilled with or without.   Ghana must change how you think about the Diaspora. Concessions must be made to receive the Diaspora with honesty, dignity and integrity. We are channels to lead, guide and direct our people into their Promised Land. The way in which Ghana/Africa receives those of Diaspora will determine the vastness, profundity and density of their blessings.

Hotep Light One Love
Priestess El Ahora Yah Asantewaa, aka
Apostle Rubie James

Download your free copy of positive affirmations of 101 Things I AM below
Document your respect for this Word. Your financial gifts of support are needed to keep this channel on line.                    
                                         THANK YOU 
MTN Mobile Money Ghana is also available: (233) 0243 283 616
Please e-mail Apostle Rubie James for other options. Thank you. with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support affirmations of 101Things I AM FREE! 101 THINGS I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. (click on photo or above link)

Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym   JEWELS PROPHET.  Review   and  purchase  her      e-Books and paperback at Amazon (click on Jewels Prophet) or the following links:


Paperback available in Ghana
Information Page Ghana Locations 
233 Country Code 
050 314 4527
0243 283 616



Tuesday, January 15, 2019

YEAR OF RETURN From A Spiritual Diaspora Perspective

Sleep continues to elude me as I see partial dreams and incomplete visions of foul play, dishonesty, lack of integrity, greed and a false prejudged concept of Diaspora descendants of the Transatlantic Slave Trade by Africans.  My daily experiences in Ghana attest to those disparagements.

I have found that the average mindsets of the African are thoroughly saturated with colonization/slave dysfunctions of control to that worse than in the US. Not only do   Africans not know their rich history, they do not know the history of neither the Diaspora nor their accomplishments but merely see us as privileged Oburonis and their ‘cash cow’.  

Many are oblivious to how those of Diaspora have fought to regain our heritage, nationality and uniqueness as African descendants in a foreign raciest land. Africans have turned their backs on the Ancestors and African Spirituality for a slave religion of confusion and bondage. Yet, most see themselves as a free people.  However, many cannot see that all that they were; that their  way of life, the constitutions of the Ancestors were broken down; their culture was altered and replaced by their British Colonizers and a Western slave religion was built upon the ruins that left only those essentials of the pennants of the culture that identifies them as African.

According to a report from Ghana Health Services, forty-two percent of Ghanaians have some type of psychological disorder; 32.4% of Ghanaians live with a mental disease, while 13 percent have mental disabilities. What does this have to do with the Year of Return?  Everything.

It explains the troubled mindsets of those Ghanaians, how their religion and politics play a large portion keeping Ghanaians in darkness and chaos with petty mind controlling issues that has never been  dealt with. In the richest Continent in the World, Africans live in squalor, poverty and lack.  The schools are inadequate unsafe, unhealthful/unsanitary; dilapidated, unmaintained structures with urnals/squats, open sewers, and lawlessness prevail.

The majority of Diasporas, particularly those who have repatriated to the Motherland are totally aware of how Ghanaians/Africans treat those of Diaspora, yet they attempt to help Ghanaians as they desperately try to become included in the African communities as easily and less problematic as possible without producing waves or going against the status quo.  Although they know they are being taking unfair advantage of; they recognize the mental deficiencies, the insatiable greed for money and the reluctance of law and government officials to accommodate valid complaints.  

Many Diasporas remain silent and perhaps for good cause. The general consensus of injustices and perhaps a fear of backlash from Ghanaians in positions of power welding a big stick of autocracy, siding with fellow Ghanaians whether right or wrong, has caused some to withdraw into seclusion.  If they were lucky enough to purchase land  without having to pay for it two or three times from multiple family members looking to make a few more Cedis, to build a home on land of which they will never own, they  have freed themselves from greedy, unjust lawless landlords. However, must still deal with dysfunctional  and disorganized entities, royalty, vendors, taxis and people from all walks of life they must adjust to.   

These detriments along with the belief in the false propaganda perpetuated from the West  in regards of the Diaspora are designed to cause distrust of Diasporas;  to effect division, petty jealousies and hatred has been the major rift to promote these injustices.  Just as the freed slaves took care not to go against ‘Mr. Charlie’ merely wanting to live in peace and acceptance that never came.  We of Diaspora had to fight for the little freedoms we got in the US, and then we come home and must fight with our sisters and brothers for what is rightfully our inheritance. 

Every Diaspora I know, has sponsored students and schools and spend within the communities of which they live. Every Diaspora I know has contributed to building up communities. Every Diaspora I know has experienced some type of indiscretion  and ill treatment at the hands of a Ghanaian. Some have died having not received justice. We all support and patronize local vendors who rub their hands together when they see us coming; therefore, the cost of the inferior product usually goes up.  We all pay taxes. We are perpetual targets of theft and fraud worse than Ghanaians.  We have no recourse or protection from the authorities and must keep our guards up at all times.  

At government hospitals, we are charged three times more than a Ghanaian.  As one would expect, the way we are treated in the States is an indication of the treatment received from the US Embassy. Those who are financially blessed perhaps agree to conditions of government red tape, gouging, colonial and tribal ignorance’s that supersede the raciest restraints, lawful protections (such as it is) and injustices one would experience in the United States trying to live as a “Black” man to set up  a business. Yet, setting up a business in the States is easier because of set guidelines and consumer protection agencies, etc.  

We all pay hiked up fees just to live in our homeland. And most often fines because perhaps a worker missed something or there is no official operations manual that would give one the consistency needed to reduce the amount of financial traps implemented at someone’s whim.

I reference the United States because this is where I was raised; in a raciest country of people who merely tolerated us simply because they used us to build the country; they plagiarized and used  our advanced technology; the teachings of our Ancestors and many stolen inventions  from us that was used as a means to outsource our usefulness.  

The Constitution of the United States never accorded us US Citizenship, freedom or inclusion. Pretty much like Ghana and other African countries controlled by outdated British Colonialism, in particularly, the outdated Immigration Laws.  They have no place for us and are at a loss as to what to do with us.  Why that should even be a consideration, since we are Africans is preposterous, raciest and unjust. Why Ghana or Africa should have to Gear Up to be morally correct to receive those of Diaspora is just mind boggling! 

The Diaspora becomes objects of injustices and rejection in Africa and remains subjects of industrialized slavery of the Corporation of America just as our parents and our indigenous Ancestors.   We cannot be deported, neither will they make Reparations.  So the so-called Black, African American, Negro, Hebrew, Moor, Diaspora or whatever name they call us or we call ourselves, for the most part, just as the African, we remain  royal chosen nations of people ignorant to our identity and godly inheritance by design with exception to those drawn by the Ancestors. 

We remain slaves in a perpetual 400 year bondage prophesied in Torah and the books of the Prophets.  This prophetic bondage continues through the year 2018. Therefore, we have continued on tangents trying to be “equal”.  EQUAL TO WHAT?  EQUAL TO WHOM?

The year 2019 is sure to bring a change and marks the end of 400 years of bondage.  “For 400 years your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own, and they will be enslaved and mistreated.”   Sounds like the AmeriKKK I came from.

However, this Year of Return adopted by Ghana under the Administration of His Excellency Nana Addo has become troublesome as Ghana appears to have a lack of understanding of the spiritual significance; prophetic fulfillment and their inhumane treatment and intolerance towards those of Diaspora. Seeing only dollar signs and increased tourism, the spiritual concepts has been lost.  

Africa is the inheritance of those of Diaspora. Africa is our Promised Land!  Africa is spiritual Israel!  The Diaspora are  they who the bible speaks of, “I will say to the north, ‘Give them up!’ And to the South do not hold them back.’  Bring My sons from afar and My daughters from the distant corners of the earth; everyone who is called by My Name. Lead out those who have eyes but are blind…Gather the nations together”.  Thus, the Divine Mandate conferred upon the Diaspora, each in our own Order, Course and Metron.

Repatriation, for those of Diaspora, to Ghana/Africa is a god-given right!  IT IS A PROPHETIC FULFULLMENT! The initiation of the Year of Return by President Addo is not an accident or by happenstance.  The prosperity and restoration of Ghana and ultimately the African Continent rests on how these Heirs of Promise from all around the world are received in Ghana with the message and talents they bring.

Why is Ghana the target?  Ghana is the hub of the beginning of Restoration for the entire Continent.  G-D said, “Africa will be restored beyond Her former beauty and it will start in Ghana, having the domino effect throughout the continent and the world.  Now, Ghana, Africa, yawl can play with that if you want.

The time for playing; the unjust immigration practices; the injustices; the biased treatments; the lawlessness against this Historically Unique Group of returnees must come to an end! The excuse used “That’s Ghana for you” or “Your in Ghana” is no longer acceptable, plausible or pliable.  

The Divine Mandate cannot be trifled with. The Vision will be fulfilled with or without.   Ghana/Africa must change how you think about the Diaspora. Concessions must be made to receive the Diaspora with honesty, dignity and integrity. We are Channels to lead, guide and direct our people into their Promised Land. The way in which Ghana/Africa receives those of Diaspora will determine the vastness, profundity and density of their blessings.

Hotep Light One Love
Priestess El Ahora Yah Asantewaa, aka
Apostle Rubie James

Download your free copy of positive affirmations of 101 Things I AM below
Document your respect for this Word. Your financial gifts of support are needed to keep this channel on line.                    
                                         THANK YOU 
MTN Mobile Money Ghana is  available:  0243 283 616
VodaCash is also available: 050 314 4527
Please e-mail Apostle Rubie James for other options. Thank you. with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support affirmations of 101Things I AM FREE! 101 THINGS I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. (click on photo or above link)

Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym   JEWELS PROPHET.  Review   and  purchase  her      e-Books and paperback at Amazon (click on Jewels Prophet) or the following links:


Paperback available in Ghana
Information Page Ghana Locations 
233 Country Code 
050 076 2315
050 314 4527