Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Show Me An African

In one of my groups, someone posted a derogatory media article in regards to the former president.  I therefore,  take the initiative to hopefully dispelled any negativity of readers and  haters who continually promote discord among the royal brothern.  

This is my response,  given through the  Spirit. Then read Mr. Afrane's commentary with pure intent. THE REBIRTH OF THE EAGLE

Beloved,  show me a Ghanaian who have not made intentional or unintentional mistakes since Ghana gained financial independence from Britain (not really, She have our gold reserves for paper "Monopoly" money and still controls our economy and financial worth)  and I will show you someone who has been exposed to the Beast.  In dealing with that Beast and  its whorish religious System, self preservation will kick in every time. It is those who lacked integrity, usurping their authority, forsaking to follow anothers vision out of petty jealousies; forgetting why they are there who have caused the situations and continual setbacks in Ghana that we now face.

WE MUST STOP ALLOWING THAT BEAST (who also controls media and those simple minded greedy ass politician's who think they know democracy, but are under and being controlled by our colonizers still) TAKE OUR FOCUS FROM WHAT REALLY MATTERS--TRUTH!

Their main tool is and has always been to "Divide and Conquer".

If they can divert our attentions from what is truly going on, they will continue to succeed at manipulating us,  keeping us unbalanced,  fighting our own people versus looking at the true ENEMY--THEM!

We gotta stop putting our brothers down.  No one truly knows their intents good or not so good. However, we can use good pure logical and spiritual common sense.  

Ghana politics, like politics around the globe  is the scourge of the earth; false fairytale concepts of the Adamite Race who is most happy when we help them promote their agenda...That includes their religion and false histories as well.  

We need to wake up and be watchful.  We,  the divine feminine must be as Miriam to 'Draw' out, save and preserve the "Firstborn".

It's a spiritual battle that our men have lost focus and their way..."Rachel weeping for her children refusing to be comforted because they are no more".

Thus,  women of power and might stand in that gap, don't make the gap bigger, we gotta bridge it! It is within our power and sphere of authority and service to do it. We got it like that! This is what has been taken from us and shrouded in lies of a convoluted white-washed false religion.  We need to take our power back!  We need to regain our stolen legacy!  We need to know our true history and who G-D is; who the Shecannah (Shekinah) is. We need to build our kings up in spirit and truth with brotherly love, compassion, respect for one another in unity. 

We need to SANKOFA to the Way of the Ancestors before our colonizers demonized them and forced their slave religion upon us. We need to take back that of which has been taken from us, walking in our godhood as goddesses and queens, in power and Might;  still maintaining our spirit of loveliness. 

We do not usurp our power and authority over men.  However, we must not continue to concede to many of the foreign concepts of denigration for the feminine goddesses that both we and our men have become subjugated to. This is the very tool used that brought down nations of kings and queens.  This is the cause of our land to be conquered  by intruders whose only agenda is to keep us disjointed, fighting among ourselves and to keep us from rising as powerful nations of people once again.

The Spirit has told me that "Africa would be restored beyond Her former beauty.  That Restoration would start in Ghana having the domino effect throughout the entire Continent".

I want you to know that it is not just going to start on its own or with  words of good intentions. We must take action. We must show pure intent. There is nothing that will move the Spirit more than showing love, having compassion and working together in unity. 

Of course there will always be disagreements but we can agree to disagree and still accomplish peace having respect for our brothern; honoring the piece of god within each human.

Our Ancestors are waiting for us to leave those strange gods and receive our royal birthright back to the Way of the Ancients of Days; back to our African Spirituality.

No longer will those who lack honesty and integrity stand.  The dark forces are loosing.  Light is increasing and it is through each of us that the light will shine through to totally obliterate darkness. This is the power each of us have.

So Awaken from you slumber SUN's of Righteousness, your light has come!  Restoration has come!

Hotep Light One Love!
Apostle Rubie James

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Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym JEWELS PROPHET.  Review and purchase her e-Books and paperback at Amazon (click on Jewels Prophet) or the following links:


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